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Brazil Grand Prix 2026
Race day

"Well done Elodie! Fierce competition out there today! You did everyone in the team proud!" I hear Dani's voice come over the radio and I let out a shaky breath having just given one of the best performances of my career so far. From sixth to second. Splitting the Ferraris, Max in fourth and the two Mercedes following him. Despite being my usual one set of upgrades behind Max. I was fired up after my meeting with Christian yesterday and I wanted to prove to him how much he should want me in his team.

"Good job Elodie, that drive secured us second in the championship so thank you very much for everything today! Fantastic work!" He says as my stomach drops from the lack of enthusiasm in his voice and I just mumble back across the radio an almost incoherent thanks to the team as I park up behind number two and get out of the car to celebrate with the team, all of whom are there, ready and happy to celebrate with me.

Max finds me quickly, giving me a lingering hug as he presses a kiss lightly to the side of my head and I give him a weak smile as I look around at the overwhelming crowd around us and at the team that helped me with so much. But I have to smile and fake it. All of it. From the interview to the podium and the podium interviews that follow before the general press interviews that come after that. I distract myself with Daniel and Charles' happy smiles and positivity as they go into the final race head to head but quickly find that the moment the cameras are off me and I'm in the safety of my driver's room my heart is beating so hard against my chest that my breathing becomes shallow to the point where I almost black out. Liv told me later it was a panic attack, I wasn't quite convinced she was right but it made sense. The entire time I had been having flashes to Max because I knew the fact that there was no effort from Christian this long after the race was not a good sign.

We sat in my driver's room for an hour. Every minute that passed my hopes fell and I knew that it wasn't coming. The contract wouldn't be coming. Eventually, Max knocked on my door and entered the room as I sat there with Liv on the floor, the tears had dried but I was clearly drained. Assuming it was from the race he helped Liv pick up my stuff so we could leave for the private jet. I just followed the pair of them out of the door, withdrawing my hand from Max's as we got to the exit of the motor home and I ignored how much I wanted to hold it, grip it for dear life. Desperate for the warmth, comfort and love that only he could supply me.

I still held hope that at some point the contract was coming, all the way until we got to the paddock exit and I looked back around and down the paddock, noticing Christian standing like a bloody cowboy in the middle, watching Max and I leave. I faltered in my step as his eyes met mine, pausing and praying that he would take the steps towards me, tell me that they were just printing it, or that it had been emailed. But when he turned around and walked into the teams' hospitality suite I knew that the decision had been made, especially when I looked onto the balcony of the suite and saw Pierre standing there, watching me with confusion, forearms resting against the railing, giving me a one handed wave.

I gulped as I waved back before jogging lightly to catch back up with Max and Liv, following them wordlessly to the car. Clearly realising I wasn't ready to talk to Max about anything Liv sat in the front and made loud conversation with Nick and Bradley who were waiting for us as I sat, chin resting on my hand as I looked out the window, the other hand holding Max's as I felt him stare at me. His gaze was intense and pleading as he could tell something was wrong but I couldn't do it in the car surrounded by people.

I wasn't sure that I could do it full stop.

"Ellie?" He says softly shaking my shoulder and my eyes flutter open as I realise I fell asleep and it's just the two of us in the car, a quick glance out the window behind him shows the other three loading bags onto the plane and I look back at him, eyes locking together and due to the alarm on his face I realise my own face must be brimming with emotion. "What's wrong?" He asks demandingly and I release a shaky breath, clenching my fists before releasing them once more as I try to calm myself so I can talk to him.

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