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Max goes to remove his hand from my waist once he is also stood next to me on the boat, head turned over his shoulder as he sees the fans but I reach out for his hand and bring him to stand in front of me, realising his eyes were still on the fans and so I reach up to caress his cheek - clearly shocking him back to earth as his eyes look at me, questioning the action.

"They already saw us arrive together...plus, we can ease everyone into it..." I tell him, referring to our plan to soft launch our relationship to the world so no one was too crazy when we did announce that not only were we together but engaged. I place my other hand on his chest as I rub my thumb over his cheek lovingly. "Let's focus on everyone else tonight though," I say nodding to the rest of the boat where several people are curiously watching our rather public display of affection and the smile on my face widens when Max nods and takes my hand in his before leading us up a floor to great people and by the time we are stood with champagne glasses in hand the boat has begun to slowly move out of its position. Clearly, everyone was waiting for us.

"Why hello there," Lewis says smirking at the two of us as we stand holding hands and I feel myself smile coyly as Max's finger caresses the ring on my finger as if to reassure himself that it really is there. That this is real. Something I've found myself doing an awful lot.

"Hi," I say as Max does as well and we get into conversation with the pair before we're ushered by Charles to go to the next floor of his mega yacht to sit down for dinner. Max sits on my left as Lando and Liv sit on our right and Lewis and Jaz sit across from them as well Daniel and Heidi. Charles sits further up with his wife and Pierre sits with Yuki bringing a smile to my face.

Daniel smiles at the two of us as the first plates of food are placed around us and we all jump into conversation with one another, only really discussing life in general rather than anything specific about the season. "How's your rehab going?" Daniel asks as we move onto the second course of food and I smile at Max for a moment and see him grin back at me as I lift up my left hand to inspect it and demonstrate my increased dexterity with the rather impressive diamond ring on my finger sparkling under the light as well.

"Ah it's going alright...I'm able to do more switches with my left hand during the race but still struggling with the smaller dials," I tell him as I watch amusedly as Daniel's eyes zero in on what I had anticipated they would and his mouth drops open.

"What the fuck is that?!" He asks loudly and grabs the attention of several of those around us. I just lean my elbow on the table and rest my head on my hand as I grin knowingly at him and feel Max put his arm around the back of my chair and without turning around I can see Max's proud smile looking around the room as more and more people turn their attention to me.

"What's what?" I ask amused and just see Heidi's eyes dance in realisation as her eyes zero in on the ring.

"No way! You didn't?" This time Daniel's eyes have switched to Max, whose face is disguising absolutely nothing without even looking at him -just working off the energy I can feel emanating from him.

"I might have," he says and I lean back into him and feel him press a kiss to my forehead proudly.

"You might have what?" It's Lando now who is looking around the table very confused and I see those from further down the table thoroughly confused by what is going on.

"Well, we were going to do this later but apparently I have no self-control," I say loudly as I look to Max for the go-ahead and he nods, the wide grin reflected in his eyes that looked at me full of love and happiness. "Max and I are engaged," I announce and instantly hear excited shouts and screaming coming from the rest of the table as people lean over to congratulate us. Eventually, everyone calmed back down and we were able to continue, both Max and I talking to different groups about the events of yesterday. "Obviously we aren't about to just post that information to the world but we wanted all our friends to know...if you can continue to keep things on the down low that will be eternally appreciated. We know it'll come out and we think we might say soon just so we don't have to hide for too long...but yeah, your discretion will be much appreciated especially to those who haven't done this before per se," I tell all the newer drivers down the other end of the table who nod understandingly.

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