Trent shrugged. "Caleb came running to me so I could get you."

"So, maybe it had something to do with me. That's unfortunate."

"Did you get attacked today?"

My eyebrows shot up. "Yes, actually. Do you think it had to do with that triplet I embarrassed at the meeting last night?"

Trent shrugged. "It's too early to make an accusation and we're on dangerous territory since André threw the first punch. Best not to say anything about it to anyone in particular, but you should warn Lionel."

"Yes, I planned to tell him, but that was before the idea that another prominent family could be involved behind the attack. Papa would probably be mad."

"Mad?" Trent began to laugh. "He wouldn't be just mad, Theodore. He would be livid."

Mentally, I was really pleased by his statement. Externally, my face had a hard expression because I could hear the scuffles from here. Trent began to speed up to keep alongside me with my own quick pace. I opened the door he pointed me towards and I found a bit of a war zone inside a spare meeting room of the hotel.

"Shit," breathed Trent. "No wonder Caleb wanted you."

André was in the far left corner, nursing a bruised face and a broken arm with Caleb guarding him. His nose was bleeding and he had a split lip. Trey and three more of our men were still fighting, having knocked out ten of the Crimson Jackdaws with twelve more nursing wounds on the right side of the room. The final six were ganging up on our guys.

"Back off!" I barked as I marched inside, and Trey hopped away with the others in an instant. "What the hell were you thinking by getting into a fight with these guys? Are you trying to ruin the relationship the four main families have?"

André croaked, "They s-said—!"

"I don't fucking care what they said. They were trying to goad you and you fell for it." I snapped, walking over to him to flick his forehead. He flinched and then winced before I crouched in front of him. "Don't fall for it next time. You're better than this, André."

His brown eyes reddened slightly. "I-I'm sorry."

"Once we get this sorted, make sure to apologize properly to Sir Lionel and the leaders of the Crimson Jackdaws."

André slowly nodded. "Yes, sir."

I patted his head, gently soothing his aches with a soft touch. He relaxed a bit with a small smile. "Thank you, Teddy."

I chuckled. "You're welcome."

As I stood up, I heard a scuff of shoes and immediately slammed my right elbow upwards behind me. I heard a crunch and a body tumbled down behind me. I looked down at the other group's member, who was holding his jaw with a shocked expression.

"Don't be a fucking idiot. Do you think I'm a weakling just because I'm shorter than you?" I asked. He whimpered when I aimed my shoe between his legs. "Oh, and yes, I do fucking take junk shots. Unless you're a masochistic pervert, you won't do anything stupid again. Is that understood?"

He weakly nodded and squeezed his eyes shut. I kicked him in the stomach instead. He vomited with a choked gasp, looking at me with wide eyes.

I grinned evilly. "I think that was a much better punishment than having your junk kicked. If not, would you like me to do it?"

He quickly shook his head.

I crouched next to him with a smirk tugging at my lips. "No? Then why are you excited?" I asked, flicking his length and hearing his pained whimper right afterwards. "A cute size, really. A large baby carrot is thicker than this little thing."

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