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Yugyeom's POV

My eyes widened when I saw the package that Bambam shoved into my luggage.

"Are you serious?" my voice hitched and quickly I looked around to make sure that no one saw it, especially manager hyung. He would surely hang me if he found this package inside my luggage.

"Yeah," Bambam nodded eagerly. He clearly didn't think much about this prank since it wasn't his luggage that he put the package in. If someone found out about it, I would be the one with the evidence, not him. "Don't worry," he waved, "No one would suspect you. You're the most innocent among us, so they won't suspect a thing," he said as if it would assure me.

"Just hurry up, or they would find it out even before we try it," I rushed him and he quickly covered the package with my clothes and then locked my luggage up.

"Alright, alright, it's done," he stood up and pulled up the handle of my luggage and handed it to me before jogging back to his own luggage and dragged it with him. "Come on, let's go or manager hyung will be on our asses."

I rolled my eyes. He was the one that made us late with his last-minute-prank idea but he acted as if he did nothing wrong.

Just minutes before this, he suddenly got this idea to prank Youngjae hyung. Yeah sure, between us, the only person that we could prank safely would be Youngjae hyung. Who dared to prank Jaebeom hyung and Jinyoung hyung? Mark hyung might be okay, but again, he was very scary when he was angry, so no thank you. Jackson hyung? Maybe we could prank him, but again, he got a temper as well. I didn't want to be his punching bag so Youngjae hyung was our best option. After all, he was really clueless at times and the worst he could do was yelling at us, so yeah.. No harm for pranking him. Alright, back to Bambam's plan. He was planning to slip something 'naughty' into Youngjae hyung's luggage when he wasn't looking. The worst that could happen was his roommate would find out about it and it would be our insider talk during our tour. It would embarrass him, but no harm was made either, so it was a totally safe plan. Or at least that's what I thought at first.

However, we were surprised when we found out that his luggage was already locked before we could execute our plan. Usually, he would lock it at the last minute, before checking in the luggage at the counter, but somehow, he had locked it before we arrived at the airport. Hence, the package was kept in my luggage until we could execute it. I had an argument with Bambam about it earlier. I argued why he couldn't put it in his luggage when he was the one that got the idea but he reasoned that his luggage was full of his stuff already (read: his shoes and his clothes). I rolled my eyes since I knew well how he could overpack stuff all the time. He even had to pay for the excess baggage once.

Anyway, after a short argument, I finally agreed to let him put it into my luggage for now. But during the trip to the airport, I couldn't calm my nerves. I was worried that someone might find out about it. And my good name would be tarnished.

"Stop thinking about it! Just relax mannn...," Bambam nudged me with his elbow, warning me through his teeth as he was smiling at the cameras ahead of us. We've just arrived at the airport and it was mandatory for us to pose for the press, so right now we were waving and smiling after getting out of our cars while our managers and staff were handling our baggage. I prayed hard that nothing would happen until it was checked in. I kept my eyes on my luggage when all of our baggage was being weighed and huffed a relief breath when it was finally checked in.

The short three hour trip felt longer than usual because of the nerves that I was getting right now. As we almost landed at our destination, I became a nerve-wreck once again that I didn't realize that my legs were vibrating to the point that it annoyed Mark hyung.

GOT7 one shots & imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora