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"Come on, noona, hop on!" he half-yelled at you, "You said that you didn't want to be late," he continued as you still rooted at your spot.

"I did, but I don't want to die either," you yelled back, still eyed the motorcycle warily. He chuckled at your reason and grabbed your hand and handed you a helmet.

"Just hop in. You've been on one before, so this won't be any worse than that," he reminded you when you had to ride a motorcycle for their MV filming with Jackson, but you still weren't convinced yet. "Did you seriously trust Jackson more than I do?" he raised an eyebrow and you sighed, putting the helmet on your head and handed your bag to Jaebeom, who received it with a big smile, and holding it while you swung your leg over the sadle and settled yourself on the passenger seat.

"Hang tight," he warned you after handed you back your bag and roared the motor a couple times, "Okay, here we go," he shouted before accelerating and you shut your eyes, automatically circled your arms tighter around his waist as he sped up through the streets.

You were supposed to go to Jihoon's basketball play that afternoon. He was finally chosen as one of the team player and he was excited to finally play. He asked you repeatedly if you could set some time aside to watch him play, and you promised him that you would try to find a part timer to attend the cafe so you could see him play. You did find a part timer, but he arrived late. You didn't have a car on your own, and you usually got Jaebeom or one of his member to drive you everywhere since the incident with the sasaeng fans. If they couldn't drive you, then you'd take the bus. But if you took the bus now, it would be too late to see the match. It would be break time already if you took the bus. You called Jaebeom, hoping that he could slip out from the company to drive you. You knew he had to evaluate the trainess this afternoon, but there was Youngjae that could replace him, so you were hoping he could.

"What's up noona?" you heard his voice over the phone when he finally picked it up.

"I'm late to go to Jihoon's basketball match. I promised him that I'd come to see him play. If I took the bus, it'd be the break time already. I'd miss half the match," you quickly explained.

"Oh, okay. Give me five minutes to arrange the things here and I'll pick you up. At the cafe, right?" he replied immediately and you confirmed that you were at the cafe and ended the call. You were waiting for him to show up in his car, however, he surprised you when you heard a roaring sound of a motorcycle.

It was a rare occasion to see a motorcycle around your cafe, so you turned your head when you heard a sound of motorcycle. You saw a black motorcycle coming toward your spot. You couldn't recognize the rider as he was wearing all black, black leather jacket, black jeans and black boot and his head was covered by a dark black helmet. Only when he lifted up the window on the helmet that you saw that it was Jaebeom. You were speechless when he called you up.

"I thought you'd be driving your car," you talked to him against the wind after awhile. He was riding quite fast that you could feel the wind beating your face.

"The traffic was quite bad around the school," he turned his head slightly so you could hear his answer. "That's why I ditch the car and pick the motorcycle."

"Whose motorcycle is this?" you asked again as you knew he didn't have one.

"Can't you guess?" you could hear a teasing note in his voice. You jogged your memory and remembered it looked awfully similar to the one he was riding on his introduction video, the one when he just joined H1GHR music.

"Did you borrow the company's?" you asked and he nodded.

"What time is the match?" he asked you when you two stopped at a red light.

"5 PM," you answered sourly as it was 10 minutes away. And you were still halfway away.

"Don't worry, we won't be late," he answered as if he could read your mind even though he wasn't looking at you. He sped up even more and you hugged his waist tighter. You burried your face on his back and didn't dare to see your surroundings until he came into a halt. Then you dared to open your eyes.

"The school is just on the next corner. We don't want to gain attention, do we?" he pulled off his helmet and you stopped breathing. Damn, his fans were right when they said he looked good on his motorcycle.

"Um, yeah," you answered quickly and followed suit, returning the helmet and jumped off the motorcycle. He chuckled when your knees shook a bit once your feet touched the pavement. When you finally gathered yourself, you thanked him for dropping you off and quickly ran away after saying your goodbye. But not fast enough though.

Jaebeom POV

I tapped the desk while thinking how I should solve the problem. Noona would be late as well if I picked her up with my car, judging by the traffic report around Jihoon's school. I've handed the trainee evaluation to Youngjae, so I only had to solve the problem regarding the mode of transportation. When I was walking out of the room, I saw my manager, and I remembered something. I arranged something quickly and showed up within 5 minutes at the cafe, riding a motorcycle. Yeah, the same one that I used when I made my introduction video when I joined H1GHR. Noona's reaction was quite hilarious though. She didn't have any problem riding a motorcycle with Jackson back then when we had to film the MV, but she afraid of dying riding it with me. Like seriously?

When she finally gave in, she hesitated where to put her hands on. I blared the engine to frighten her a bit, and it worked. She put her arms around my waist and hung tight. I could feel her front part collided with my back when I sped up. Actually I didn't need to speed up to arrive at the school on time, but I liked the feeling of her body close to mine, especially her arms around my waist. I smiled under my helmet, fully aware that she couldn't see it. She would refuse to ride on one if she knew it. She was about to run away when we finally arrived. I stopped just around the corner so we didn't gain any attention. I still couldn't forget the incident with the sasaeng fans last time, so we'd better not to attract anymore unwanted attention. I pulled her arm when she was about to run away.

"Maybe we should ride motorcycle more often if that's what it takes to see you blush and hang tight on me," I teased her and no matter how long we've been together, she still blushed whenever I teased her. It was quite fascinating. I laughed at her retreating figure before putting back the helmet on my head. Yeah, I would definitely drag her for another motorcycle ride.

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