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a/n: i saw someone wrote one shots based on got7's everydate vlive, but stopped after writing about mark. i'm trying to make the mark's story completely different from that one, and i'll write for the other members as well. hope you'll like it.  and thank you for 1K+ , i hope you guys enjoy my stories.


You frowned to see Mark's name appeared on your phone display. You thought you have texted him earlier, informing him that you would be late. You had to pick up some workload so your fellow nurses didn't exhaust themselves. The whole COVID situation was getting worse and it surely put more load to the nurses. Even though you were in the managerial side at the moment, you had to to go back on duties again as the hospital were short of personnel. The doctors and nurses were down by the virus and they had to isolated themselves, meanwhile, the patients were not getting less by the day. You glanced at the hospital's frontyard, where the tent stood now. And the people lining around and in front of the tent were not getting less, even though it was night time already. You were supposed to go off work like other office worker, but since you had to pick up duties, you decided to help until 9 PM. 2 more hours, you sighed, and you've been here since 7 AM. You unlocked your phone to see what Mark was up to.

Got dinner yet? He texted. You replied with a short 'no', hoping that he wouldn't make fuss of it. You just realized that it was dinner time already.

Can you slip out for a bit? Surely it won't help your colleagues if you passed out due to hunger, he texted back. He was surely underestimated you. You never knew nurses or doctors that would pass out because of hunger, because no one ever thought of their belly when the hospital was packed like this. And skipping one meal was quite regular in your work area, so you never made a big deal when you skipped a meal, or two. But you remembered that you often reminded Mark not to skip meal himself. You could come up with any arguments to win the subject in debate, but in the long run, it wouldn't benefit you so you decided to stop and found the ward captain. After making sure that nothing else you could've done in the ward, you told the rest of the team that you would step out for dinner just a bit. You might not help in the ward for the rest of the day, but you still needed to work on the administrative stuff piling on your desk. You replied Mark that you had 30 minutes for dinner and went to the changing room to take off the protective gears that you've been wearing all day.

Mark came just in time when you have just finished taking shower. You grabbed your bag before heading to the parking lot and spotted him in his car.

"I only have 30 minutes," you said once you were inside the car.

"Yeah yeah.. I know," he rolled his eyes, as if he didn't know the drill already. He drove away but stopped after driving for a short distance. "That's why, we're not going to eat at somewhere fancy," he added as he waved toward the convenience store. You raised your eyebrow.

"Convenience store? You do realize that we can't eat in the store, don't you?"

"Yeah, but we can buy there and eat them in the car," he winked before jumping off the car. You put on your mask and followed him inside the convenience store. He worked his way through the aisle, throwing the stuff that he needed into the shopping basket.

"Which one do you want? Chocolate or tiramisu?" he asked, holding two cups of ice cream and you picked tiramisu while he picked the chocolate for himself. He paid for everything before heading to the long table at the side and started to put two ramen cups on the table.

"Ramen?" you raised your eyebrow. Just yesterday he reminded you not to eat too much junk food while you were on duty, but tonight he bought you ramen cups for dinner.

"Not just an ordinary ramen. I'll make you Mark's meal. You never had that one right?" You nodded as you remembered asking him about it. You were amazed that even a snack was named after him. His fans were incredible. You saw him taking out the ingredients needed and carefully prepared it for the both of you. You saw he prepared the ramen and tteokbokki first before putting the tteokbokki into the ramen and added sausage and the string cheese. After everything was ready, he brought it all back to his car and you followed him, bringing the ice cream with you.

"잘 먹겠습니다," he said before breaking the chopsticks and dived into his cup. You followed him and you felt him waiting for your reaction.

"Hmm... Yeah, this is nice, but a bit too spicy for me," you made a comment and he grinned at your response. You two ate while talking and soon enough everything was finished. Then you handed him his ice cream. It was useless picking up separate flavours because at the end, he ended up asking some of yours and you ate some of his as well. After cleaning up everything, he told you to put on your seatbelt before turning the car back on again.

"You have to go back to the hospital again, right?" You didn't need to tell him that you had to go back to the hospital and he knew it already.

"Yeah, I still have a pile of stuff on my desk," you admitted. "I'm sorry," you apologized. You knew he was bored staying at home mostly since his shows and tours were cancelled. Even though he still had recordings and photoshoots, but it was way less than usual. While you on the other hand, became busy thanks to COVID.

"No problem. At least I can drag you out for a quick date while making sure you fill your stomach. Did you even had lunch?" he glanced at your pale face when you remembered that you didn't eat lunch. "See.. you'll keep starving yourself if I didn't steal you. Okay, we're here. Go safe more lives."

You were grateful for him. Even though he didn't talk much, he showed his love for you through his action and it made your heart full. You found youself hugging him and giving him a peck on his cheek before getting out of the car. That 30 minutes break gave you enough strength to go through the rest of the night. 

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