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"How long will it be?" you asked your boyfriend, who was packing his stuff into a big suitcase.

"Five months," he pouted while answering.

You sighed as this would be his first tour after you got together. You didn't know that the tour would last that long. You thought it would be for a month or two, but finding out that it would be 5 months, you felt your heart fell. You couldn't imagine how boring your days would be without him by your side. He was the sunshine anyway. You will surely miss his laugh.

"Babe, do you think you can ask for some leave?" he paused packing and turned his attention to you.

"Why?" you stopped your hands that was helping him to fold his clothes.

"Maybe you can visit in one of the cities that we go to?" he looked hopeful.

"Can I? I thought your company wouldn't allow that," you were a bit surprised by the suggestion.

"I think it'll be okay," he started to find his phone to show you his schedule. "This is our schedule. It'll be too early to join the first one, but maybe you still have some time to ask for leave after that. What about Japan? Have you ever been to Japan?" he completely forgot his packing and started to plan the holiday.

"I haven't," you looked at the dates and it was enough to ask permission from your company, so you agreed to visit him in Japan and he looked esctatic.

"I'll start praying starting from today so they would grant your request," he said with determination and you couldn't help but chuckle at him.

You managed to get 5 days off and you informed him right away. He was happy and told you that he would arrange everything since you haven't been to Japan. You refused at first, saying that you would pay for your own ticket and your part for the hotel, but he only allowed you to pay for the ticket and said that you'd be joining him in his hotel anyway, so you didn't need to pay for the hotel. You gave up at last, thinking at least he let you pay for your ticket anyway.

 You arrived at Haneda airport looking confused at all the signs. You could read English, but still, it was all foreign to you. You remembered that Youngjae told you to buy the local number first, so you obeyed him and bought one. You activated it and contacted Youngjae immediately. By text, of course. He then sent you the location of the hotel along with complete instruction on how to go to the hotel. You managed to find your way and relieved when you arrived at the hotel safely. Youngjae texted you that they were still practicing, but you could drop your luggage at the hotel and you could go around to the convenience store. 

Youngjae told you that the konbini, Japanese convenience store, was very exciting. He told you that you could find more than food and snacks there, especially the bigger ones. He also told you about some place called Donki, saying that you just needed to find a building with giant blue penguin as its mascot to find the place. You found one and was truly amazed at how many stuff in the store were. You were overwhelmed by cute stuff that you found there. You decided to buy some skincare stuff for your sister and some snacks. You were walking back to the hotel when Youngjae texted you, informing you that they were back at the hotel already.

"Oh, I see that you've found the store already," Youngjae made a remark when he saw you bringing the plastic bag in your hand aside from your luggage. 

"Yeah. I can't believe that there are so many things in the store," you told him excitedly. "I probably would buy the entire shops if I didn't resist myself back then." He laughed at you. Oh, how you missed that laugh. "So, what are we going to do after this?"

"Dinner. I'll bring you to Ichiran. It's one of the famous ramen shop here, and it opens 24 hours," he proceeded to tell you that the place was always crowded and it was a bit odd since people would eat in private booth separated by the wooden partition so they could concentrate eating and not chatting with their friends to speed up the dining time. He was right, the place was packed but everyone didn't seem to notice Youngjae despite the long waiting time before you finally got in and enjoyed a bowl of ramen. 

He got three days off to accompany you, so the next day, he brought you to Harajuku. After spending enough times to stroll along the road, trying the crepes and the lobster roll and checking all the cute stores there (gee, you were surprised to see the big Daiso store and you were happy to see the LINE store), he brought you to Shinjuku-Shibuya. He insisted that you should take a picture at the famous crosswalk of Shibuya. And beside the Hachiko statue. He really did his best to make you experience all the touristy stuff. The rest of the boys joined you in the afternoon to go to Akihabara since they were all going to play Mario GoKart. You were laughing at Bambam that picked Luigi costume. He did look similar to Luigi thanks to his long legs. Jaebeom looked weird in his Mario costume as he looked like an old man and the rest of his members thought the same thing as well and he pouted at them. It was fun to drive the gokart and you ended the day with a tonkatsu dinner and then Youngjae brought you to ride the Daikanrasha, the giant ferris wheel in Odaiba area while the rest of the boys went to the Gundam place.

"Oh, the view is really pretty," you gasped when the cabin started to go up higher. You could see the city lights as well as the bridge that you passed earlier. You felt Youngjae wrapped his arms around you and you leaned back.

"Did you enjoy today?" he asked as he swayed you both.

"Absolutely," you turned to see his face before placing a quick kiss on his cheek, "Thank you for today. It's amazing." You chuckled when you saw him blushed.

"Well, if you think today was amazing, wait for tomorrow," he promised.

He brought you to the happiest place on earth the next day. He informed you on the way that in Japan, there were two amusement parks in Tokyo, the Disneyland and the DisneySea. He brought the 3 days ticket. One day for Disneyland, one day for DisneySea and the last day was up to you since it would be your last day in Tokyo so you could spend it wherever before heading back to the airport. He then explained that he booked a hotel in Disney Resort Area, that's why he told you to bring your suitcase as well. You stopped at the hotel to drop the suitcase as well as get the ticket he booked before. He dragged you to the Disneyland immediately. The park was big. You took lots of picture at the first area before started to get into rides. Youngjae checked the time all the time to ensure that you didn't miss any of the parade. He insisted that the parades were really good and you couldn't miss it. 

You chuckled when you saw him join in the singing and dancing as you watched the parade. In fact, you saw lots of adults join singing as well. It was heartwarming to see such a view. You enjoyed several snacks as well, but you couldn't decided at which popcorn you should buy. Youngjae told you that there were several different flavors all around the park. And you could buy the refillable buckets. They were cute! You bought the Duffy one as it was special for Japan. Youngjae just laughed as you couldn't make up your mind when you saw other cute stuff. He bought matching headbands for both of you and you saw that lots of couple did the same as well. Oh well, you couldn't ask for more better ending than watching the firework show right after the light parade ended. 

The next day, Youngjae told you to bring a raincoat and since you didn't bring one, he bought one for you at the DisneySea. You wondered why you would need a raincoat since the weather forecast didn't say anything about raining and Japan forecast was rarely wrong. You found out the reason later when you watched the first parade. They showered the audience with water! Lots of it and people seemed to enjoy it. The rest went on the same. You went to several rides and watched all the parade. It was another exhausting day but another enjoyable one as well.

"Well, now I know why they call it the happiest place on earth," you mumbled as you fought the exhaustion when you lay on the bed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed today as well. Just rest well, tomorrow will be your last day," Youngjae dropped a goodnight kiss on your forehead. Oh well, it was a holiday well spent. Not only because he took you to places that you enjoyed, but most importantly, that you got to spend it with the most important person, him. You wouldn't trade it any other way. 



A/N: I almost forget to post Youngjae's! I wrote it before Yugyeom's but I skipped it when I posted it. Anyway, sorry for lots of Disneylands. I have been to all three of them I mentioned here and Paris one is my least favorite while Japan is my favorite. 

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