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You wrapped the blanket around you tighter as the night made the temperature dropped. You just wished Mark would come back quickly and helped to warm you up. You wanted to be angry at him for choosing this place, but again, you were the one that let him pick the destination. Your honeymoon destination. When you got married, he was still busy and you were still adjusting to your new workplace so you were afraid to ask for a leave for your honeymoon, so you decided to postpone it. But then, he had to go to on a world tour. Considering it's been three months already, you asked for a leave and it was granted. You told Mark and he agreed to go in between his schedule. He had a week break in between his Europe tour and before the Australia tour.

He asked you if you had somewhere in mind that you wanted to go for the honeymoon, but you came up empty and gave Mark the right to pick the destination. He asked you twice if he could pick anywhere in the world and you said yes. Without thinking much, of course. So, imagine your surprise when he said that you were going to Finland for your honeymoon. If only he wasn't halfway across the world, you would throw the pillow to his smug face when he told you the news. He knew damn well that you hated cold places, but he chose one, among other places in the world, that was located up north here on Earth, probably close to the North Pole, where you were sure that there would be freezing in winter. You got no choice but to drag your ass to the plane that brought you to meet him in Finland. The flight was ridiculously long and you told him that you used the time wisely, to plan the perfect murder for him once he was standing in front of you. And he dared to grin and told you that you wouldn't have the heart to kill him.

You met him at the airport and soon after, one of the resort worker picked up you two and brought you to the resort. Since your place hasn't ready yet, the employer told you to go around and visited the Santa Claus house. Your eyes widened, "Santa Clause house? Really?" you turned to see an excited Mark. He grabbed your hand and dragged you toward the place pointed by the worker earlier.

"Come on! I'm sure it'll be interesting." You rolled your eyes but followed him anyway since you had nothing to do. You watched your surrounding and cursed inside when you saw thigh high snow all over the place. You could only imagine how cold it would be at night. However, you couldn't deny that it was exciting to see the Santa Claus house, though you didn't want to sit on Santa's lap as you thought it was childish. Mark dragged you to walk around the village until the same worker appeared again and told you that your room was ready. He led you to your room, and you realized, Mark booked a single room igloo at the igloo resort. You've heard about the place but you never dreamt that you would go there, but here you are, inside the igloo, looking outside.

"Hey, he told me that if we were lucky, we would be able to see the aurora from here," Mark approached you and he seemed excited with the news. That night, he forced you to stay awake because he read the prediction that the aurora would appear in between 10 PM to 2 AM. You two spent the time talking to each other while cuddling under the blanket. You two lying on the bed, looking up to the sky, body tangled under the blanket as you still felt cold despite the heater was on in the room. You were just telling him what you've been doing when he was on tour when suddenly you saw the sky lit up with greenish light. You nudged Mark and he looked up and gasped.

"It's happening!" he sounded excited. You two watched the aurora in awe as it looked like just what you have seen in the internet. Or in some screen savers. It lasted for around 20 minutes and every second seemed like a dream. You never told Mark that actually, watching an aurora was one of your bucket list. But you never said anything about it since you couldn't stand the cold. You felt tears filled your eyes and you wiped it quickly, hoping Mark didn't notice it. But he did. He side-hugged you and looked at you with concern.

"Are you cold?" he tightened the blanket around you and pulled you even closer. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just...," your voice trailed off and he waited for you to continue. "How did you know?" you turned to face him.

"Know about what? That you wanted to see aurora?" he smiled wistfully and you just nodded. He kissed your forehead and smirked, "I had my ways. Like I said, I know you more than you think. So, do you still want to kill me for bringing you here?" You shook your head vigorously and he chuckled.

"Okay, let's go to sleep now, it's past midnight," he pulled the blanket to cover up until your neck before snuggling close and closing his eyes. The next morning, all you could see when you woke up was snow. It was blinding as the sunlight reflected on it. You pulled the blanket closer and turned your head to see outside as you thought you heard some familiar voices. You weren't sure, but as your eyes started to adjust to the light outside, you saw six familiar figures, playing cheerfully outside. The figures were throwing balls of of snow at each other while shouting loudly. You shook Mark who was still sleeping beside you and woke him up. He rubbed his eyes and grunted a little as he supported himself to sit up. He asked what was the problem that you had to wake him up and you pointed outside, "Am I seeing your six members playing snow outside or am I just imagining things?"

Mark squinted to look at what you were pointing at and cursed, "Damn Jackson. He really followed us here." Mark started to put on his shirt on while you sat there dumbfounded. "He saw me while I was booking this resort and he joked about crashing our honeymoon but I didn't think he'd really do that, but apparently he did," he explained quickly. "Don't worry, I'll send them back to Lapland and made sure the hotel employer left them there so they won't bother us," he assured you and started to find his phone to prove his promise before putting on his layers of warm clothes and headed outside to meet his members and told them to move to Lapland. They accepted it after whining for a bit and Jackson had the audicity to wave cheekily at you! Oh well, your perfect honeymoon was not so perfect anymore thanks to them.

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