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"Are you sure you're okay?" Jinyoung asked as he rubbed your back up and down while you were spilling your guts out in the toilet bowl. You accepted the tissue paper and wiped your lips with it before taking a glass full of warm water that he handed to you next.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I think it's just something that I ate," you waved at him as if it was nothing. Truth to be told, you actually rarely got indigestion problem aside from your trusty gastritis. Well, it was work hazard and unavoidable, but aside from that, you could probably eat almost expired food and your stomach wouldn't give any reaction.
"Huh," Jinyoung scoffed, "More like from something that you DIDN'T eat. Did you even eat dinner tonight?"
You glanced at the ceilings trying to remember your afternoon shift. It was a quiet one in the beginning but turned into one hell of a shift just few hours before it ended. You hated when he was right and he was tired of reminding you to eat regularly.

You were relieved when he let it go and didn't pester you any further. He cooked you a bowl of ramen to eat before ordering you to sleep.
"Just take care of yourself, if you can't eat the whole meal, you should consider the protein bars that Jackson stuffed on Ellie's desk," Jinyoung lectured you when he dropped you off the next morning. You just nodded as it was quite the same lecture that you've been getting these past few days.
"Yeah, I will. Anyway, Ellie is back today, isn't it?" You tried to steer the conversation away from your situation.
"Yep. Don't feel pressured to keep an eye on her. Just do whatever you can and I'm sure Jackson will find any ways to take care of his wife himself," he reminded you and you nodded but made a mental note to let one or two nurses from the OR to keep an eye on Ellie. She just got back from her mandatory bed rest and you felt bad for making a reckless comment about her pregnancy when you didn't know the whole story. After finding out her situation, you felt bad and promised Jackson to help him anyway you can and he appreciated it.

You noticed that Ellie got a different meal from the rest of the people in the cafetaria.
"Jackson," she said grimly as she noticed your questioning look and you nodded. Jackson really went the extra mile to take care of her wife. He sent her meals to the hospital to make sure that she ate nutritious food regularly now that she had two babies inside her belly. You walked back to the ER, feeling weirdly full when you only had a small portion of lunch. You used to eat a lot if they served your favorite meal at the cafetaria. But not today. You didn't feel like eating today. In fact, it's been almost a week since you felt like yourself. You felt weak, nauseous and bloated frequently.
"Doc, we have an incoming TA patients," one of the nurses informed you, interrupting your train thoughts and you pushed it to the back of your head and got back on your feet, ready to receive the incoming patient. However, as you pushed the emergency trolley, you felt dizzy suddenly and seconds later you could see darkness clouding your sight before engulfing you completely. You could hear your colleague screamed your name and a loud shriek from one of the nurse then you felt a sharp pain on your forehead and you felt your body weak and dropped on the floor.

You could hear the chaos for a brief of second before you lost your consciousness. When you opened your eyes, you could see Jinyoung sitting by your bed, with a mix of angry and worry expression on his face. He was holding your hand tight and hovered you immediately.
"Can you see me? Do you know who am I?" He asked and you nodded.
"Yeah, you're Park Jinyoung, my husband. What are you doing here?" You couldn't stop yourself and it angered him.
"Really? You don't think that they will call your husband when you passed out in the ER while you were on duty?" His voice raised and you flinched.
"I'm fine..," you couldn't finish your sentence as he cut you quickly.
"No, you're not," his lips turned into an angry thin line. "If you're okay, you won't lose consciousness in the first place. I'm guessing it's a rare occurrence?" he asked and you wondered with the sudden change of his tone.
"Yeah," you admitted, "I never faint before."
"Can you self diagnose yourself?" he continued and you were puzzled even more. You had guessed he would be angry at you, screaming at you and stuff, but he didn't. In fact, he looked rather exciting? Or happy? You really couldn't read his expression.
"Well, I've been feeling unwell for the last three or four days," you started and he clucked his tongue in disapproval. "But I thought it was just indigestion. And with today, I honestly had no idea," you admitted.

"How about your period?" he asked.
You frowned as you heard his question, "What does my period have something to do with my condition?"
"Well, you are an adult married woman with a virile husband and have an active sex life," you blushed at his remark and quickly scanned the room and felt relieved when you found no one else in the room but him. You shushed him but he just chuckled.
"Why? I thought you doctors would easily discuss stuff like penis and period like we talk about music and movies," he mocked.
"Well yeah, if it's patient related," you retorted. "Anyway, you haven't answered me yet."
"Okay. Since you can't diagnose yourself, I'll be glad to fill you in. Since you lost consciousness out of the blue in the ER and I can't provide them any additional information aside from telling them you've been vomiting twice in the last four days, they decided to run a full check up on you, including a pregnancy test when they found out that we didn't use any contraception," you groaned out loud at his explanation. Now the whole ER had known about your sex life, but Jinyoung didn't seem to be bothered with it.

"And?" you pestered when he stopped his explanation.
"Can't you guess?" he grinned and his grin broke wider when you shook your head.
"Congratulations wifey, you'll be joining Ellie under a tight-husband-surveillance as you're now pregnant as well," he finished his story with a grand ending that left your jaw dropped.
"What?" you whispered, still not believing your ears. "Pregnant? No way...," your voice trailed off when you remembered you haven't gotten your period this month. You thought it was just because of exhaustion. You never thought the possibility of getting pregnant. Jinyoung watched you in amusement as your face changed from shocked to confusion to acceptance.
"Really?" you asked again and he nodded excitedly.
"Yep. Our kid will be around the same age as Jackson's twins, maybe just a few months after," he informed you and you instinctively ran your hand over your flat belly.
"So," he opened his mouth again, this time you could hear a warning in his tone, "if you want to keep working while you're pregnant, you'd better take care of yourself better, or I'll surrender your resignation myself and drag you out of here myself. I don't care whether the hospital is short of staff or not, and I don't care about Yoojin getting pissed at me. All I care is that you and the baby are safe, do you understand?"
You nodded at his threat as you knew he wouldn't just make empty threats. You also knew that from this day on, you could expect the same meal as Ellie's being delivered to the ER and Jinyoung or his manager or one of his member would drop you and pick you up at the hospital until it was time for you to get your leave. Well, it was quite a surprise, but a nice one. Though you were not expecting it so soon, you were glad that you got pregnant around the same time as someone else. You two could whine about your overbearing husbands during your breaks together.

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