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Your boyfriend was away on tour again. You were busy yourself, so you got distracted. He wanted you to tag along but you couldn't make it to join him in Thaliand, so you agreed that you would visit him in Australia. He had some days off after finishing the tour in Australia. He wanted to go to New Zealand for a short holiday. You didn't mind as it was summer there. But you heard from Yugyeom's girlfriend that summer in New Zealand was weird. It would be hot in the morning and then hail in the afternoon. It was a weird weather for summer in New Zealand. So she told you to still pack some jacket and pants and even raincoat. You arrived in Melbourne when you met the other boys and stayed for a night there before you headed to New Zealand with Bambam. He rented a car for the two of you, but obviously you were the one driving since he didn't have driving license yet. He kept you in the dark as he told you it was a surprise holiday for you.

You started from Christchurch and headed to Mount Cook. You spent a day there and you enjoyed the sceneries. It was really beautiful, just like a computer background that you often saw. You stopped numerously along the way to take pictures and having Bambam as a boyfriend, you were guaranteed to get the best picture. Then you continued your journey to Queenstown. It was more lively than Christchurch. Here you ate the famous Fergburger (you were amazed that the line was still long even after all these years) and you soaked in a hot pool where you could see other people went jetboating from afar.

"It loooks fun," Bambam said from behind as he saw what caught your eyes.

"You go yourself," you snorted.

"Eeyyy.. where's the fun if you're not coming?" he didn't press you any further though when you didn't answer him. You spent lunch in an all you can eat buffet where you could see the view of the city from above. You could see some people paragliding and parachuting. You worried that Bambam might ask you to go paragliding or parachuting but he didn't say anything during the rest of the day. However, you were surprised to see the rest of the boys joined you the next morning. Bambam didn't tell you where you were going with the rest of the boys and you tried to pry from Jackson but a glare from Jinyoung shut Jackson up. You gave up and just sat inside the car. You were at back with Bambam, with Jackson at front and Jinyoung driving, while Mark drove the other car with the rest in the other car. You arrived at some seccluded area but when you were on the way across the bridge, you saw some people bungee jumping.

"Are we going to bungee jumping?" you asked Bambam who kept a straight face and told you to just wait until you got there. You didn't need to wait until you get there. You knew you were right when the car has parked and you got out of the car, you could hear people screaming their lungs out from afar.

"Tell me we're not bungee jumping," you threatened Bambam and he immediately ran circling the car to reach your side.

"Come on, it'll be fun. You're not afraid of roller coaster, so you'd be okay. Even Jackson is okay with bungee jumping now," he persuaded while Jackson's eyes widened.

"Hell no, it still scare the hell out of me," Jackson opened his mouth and got elbowed by Jinyoung.

"Come on, are we going or not?" Mark waited impatiently as the rest were already walking away. Bambam dragged you and kept talking, promising that you'll be okay and it'll be fun.

"I don't get it why we have to pay so our life depends on a piece of rope, hanging meters away from the ground?" Youngjae grunted. You agreed with him completely. Mark volunteered to be the first as always and he shouted out loud, but happily as he jumped off the cliff. He was bouncing up and down for awhile before he was pulled to the boat. You saw there were other people waiting on the boat. You guessed they were waiting until there were enough people before getting them ashore so they didn't have to move back and forth. Jaebeom was next and he winked at you before jumping off. Jackson was next and he screamed his lungs out as he jumped off. You were sure he was cursing in various language. Jinyoung told Youngjae to go next as he was afraid that Youngjae would run away and Youngjae got no choice but to jump next. If you thought singing Youngjae was loud, well, scared Youngjae was even louder. Jinyoung had jumped and Bambam told you that he would go next and you should jump after him. He told Yugyeom to make sure you jumped and kept reassuring you that everything would be okay and you would enjoy it.

"Don't close your eyes as you go down, make sure you open them," he whispered before turning and jumped off the cliff. You were puzzled at his words, why should you keep your eyes open? But as you went down, you saw people on the boat were holding signs, including the boys that jumped off before you. You managed to read the signs, Will you marry me?

Bambam helped you off and held your hand until you could stand steadily on the boat. You heard Yugyeom jumped off right after and got into the other boat but you didn't pay attention to your surrounding. You focused on the boy in front of you, who got down on one knee, taking a black velvet box from his pocket with one hand and his other hand was still holding yours in him.

"Did you manage to read the sign?" he said, looking up to see your face and you nodded. "We've been together for so long that I can't imagine my life without you, so will you marry me?" he looked at you hopefully and you felt mixed feeling inside of you. You were moved by his proposal, but you were angry at him for proposing by forcing you to do bungee jumping. You moved forward and pulled him to stand up and you punched his chest several times before breaking down in tears. Bambam was stunned and didn't know what to do. He just let you punching his chest.

"You!" you finally found your voice. "You're crazy! Can't you propose normally like other people?" you managed to voice your mind and the others started to laugh while Bambam scratched his head. You barely heard Jinyoung muttered something like "I've warned him but he didn't listen."

"Well, if I did it like the others, then it won't be memorable, right?" You knew he was still waiting for your answer and you intended to keep him waiting for awhile as a payback. "Don't you suppose to answer me right now?" he asked anxiously.

You sighed, "Well, you deserve that for making me jump from up there, but yes, of course," you answered finally and the boys started to clap and cheered at both of you while Bambam finally scooped you in his hug.

"She said yes, so can we go ashore now?" Youngjae interrupted and the rest chuckled and agreed. Oh well, he was crazy indeed, but what can you expect? He's Bambam anyway. It was definitely a proposal that you can't ever forget. 

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