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"Jaebeom! I heard you got an interesting patient," Jaehyun slung his arm over Jaebeom's shoulder as he was walking through the hospital corridor. Jaebeom took a glance on his friend and stared back at his notes before rubbing his temple.

"Well, I don't know anything about interesting, but there's not much evidence in this case though. It's more like a headache," he grunted. Jaehyun chuckled.

"You got until Friday to solve it though," he teased.

"Friday?" Jaebeom raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, Friday. Didn't you hear? Your case got selected for the case presentation on Friday morning," he laughed at his friend's misery while Jaebeom groaned.

"Ughh.. I'd better go ask the family again and then hit the library," he turned his heels and started running toward the treatment room and left Jaehyun.


"I'm sorry doc, but I totally have no idea what happened to her. We just got home and found her, lying on the kitchen floor unconscious," the man said.

"Did you see anything out of the ordinary at the kitchen? Maybe she ate something weird?" Jaebeom inquired while turning the pen in his hand. He rubbed his temples again and stole a glance at the person lying on the bed. The patient looked peaceful while in fact Jaebeom knew she wasn't sleeping. She was in a comma and he couldn't find out why.

"Okay okay," Jaebeom took a deep breath. "Let's start from the beginning again. You were coming home with your wife. It was late already. And then?"

"I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, but when I walked past the kitchen island, I saw her lying on the kitchen floor. I shouted for my wife to come to the kitchen while I tried to shake her, I tried to wake her up, but she didn't respond anything," the man continued.

"And then?"

"Then my husband told me to keep trying to wake her up while he called for help," now the woman was the one answering Jaebeom.

"Okay, what did you notice at the kitchen when you arrived?" Jaebeom asked again. He felt he should've focused on the medical stuff, not the investigating stuff. Where were the police anyway? Ain't this supposed to be their job? Why haven't they found something?

"Well," the women closed her eyes, trying to replay the situation in her mind. "It was dark when we arrived, so we thought she was sleeping already. But the light in the kitchen was on but there was no one in the kitchen. Not until my husband shouted and called me, then I found my husband shaking her body, trying to wake her and told me to keep trying while he called for help. I looked around and the kitchen was clean. There were no plates or leftover food in the kitchen. But," she opened her eyes, hesitating for a bit and looked up to Jaebeom.

"But what? Any small detail might help," Jaebeom encouraged her to tell him something, anything.

"There was an almost empty glass on the kitchen island. I thought it was my husband's," she said at last.

"No, I haven't grabbed any glass when I found her," her husband replied.

"Did you clean the glass?" Jaebeom asked the wife.

"No," she answered.

"Have you told the police about the glass?" Jaebeom asked while pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"No," the woman shook her head. Jaebeom immediately excused himself and started dialing the detective on the case, telling him to check the glass on the kitchen island. He started to feel hope, maybe it would give him some clue at last.

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