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"Ahhh!! I get it," you shouted and was about to grab the bread from the rack, but you felt another hand on the tip of your fingers when you grabbed the bread. You saw another guy grab the same bread that you were about to grab and you glared at him. "I grab it first!"

"Huh, look at our hands, young lady. My hand is under yours, so it means I touched it first," he argued.

"No. Look, only your fingers that's overlapping with mine, so it doesn't mean that you touched it first. It means we touch it at the same time," you retorted and you both glared at each other for a few seconds. You tried to find a reason to counter his argument but you didn't want to be petty, but you had no choice but to use it at this critical moment. "By the way, don't you ever heard to give in to the ladies?"

He cocked his head, "Whoaaa. you're using your gender as a reason now? Yah! This is just a bread."

"That's the point! It's just a bread, so why don't you let it go?" your voice started to raise. You both went into another glaring contest for another few seconds before the store owner interrupted.

"Are you guys going to buy it or not? It's such a high demand so if you guys didn't plan to buy it, put it back to the rack quickly!" she eyed the both of you. Unfortunately, you were startled when she spoke and you let go of the bread. The guy immediately snatched it and you couldn't help but to pout when you realized that you were beaten.

"I will buy it, ahjumma," he quickly said and went to the cashier to pay the bread in an instance. You stomped your feet and rushed out of the store. Just right at that time, your phone rang and you picked it up. On the other end, your best friend told you that she found another Pokemon bread at the convenience store near her house. She knew that you were hunting them so she always told you when she spotted one near her house. You hurriedly went to the convenience store she mentioned since you were already familiar with it.

"Ahhh.. Thank youuu," you called your best friend to thank her once you got the Pokemon bread. You were ripping the packaging while calling your friend, eager to find out what kind of Pokemon you would find inside. You were about to find out when you spotted the guy from earlier.

"You!" you shouted when you saw him passing by and he was surprised to see you there.

"You!" he mirrored. "What are you doing here?" he was genuinely surprised.

"I can ask you the same questions," you answered curtly.

"I live here," he surprised you by voluntarily giving out information about him.

"Really? How come I never saw you around?" you immediately countered as you didn't remember seeing him around every time you visited your best friend.

He raised an eyebrow, "Do you live here as well?"

"No," you answered, "But my best friend did. She told me about the bread so I came here."

"Ah, was it restocked?"

"Yeah, but it was gone when I arrived. I got the last one," you informed him and he shrugged.

"There was none this morning, that's why I went to the other store," again, he gave you information that you didn't ask. "Anyway, what did you get?"

You told him what you got from the bread packaging, "But I have that one already," you added and he beamed up.

"Really? What about ... (insert pokemon name that you know)? Do you have that one already?" his eyes filled with hope but unfortunately, you got that one already and his shoulder slumped.

You two were quiet for the next few minutes until he broke the silence.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" he pointed to the apartment building and you blushed. He suddenly realized his mistake and tried to correct himself frantically. "Noo.. That's not what I meant," he shook his hand in front of him, "What I'm trying to say is, would you like to go to my house and see my collection? Maybe I have something in my collection that you haven't had and maybe we could exchange them?," he offered.

"But I don't even know you," you replied, though you were tempted by his offer.

To your surprise, he held out his hand, "I'm Youngjae. What's your name?"

You accepted his handshake and offered your name as well.

"Now, you know me and vice versa, so, are you up for a trade?" he waited for your answer and you were hesitating.

"My mom told me not to go to a guy's house, especially someone that I just know," you answered and he groaned.

"Oh come on! As if I would do something bad to you!" You chuckled at his reaction. He looked crossed and it was quite amusing. Even though if you wanted to admit, he looked rather cute than suspicious.

"Okay okay... I'll see your collection," you agreed at the end and he seemed excited. As you were going up the elevator to his unit, you couldn't help but to tease him again.

"Tell me now, how many girls have you managed to persuade up to your unit by using the same excuse?" You heard a choking sound immediately and his face was red while you couldn't stop laughing at him. Even though he denied it furiously and telling you that you were the first one, you still couldn't believe him. With that look? Any girl would volunteer to go up to his place with him without even asking his name first.

a/n: sorry for late update. i never thought i'd be able to write during my holiday, especially since i didn't bring my laptop with me. but apparently i did! i wrote 7 chapters during my 10 days holiday, typing it with my phone. but i'm home for 5 days and only managed to type 2 stories. anyway..hoping with their comeback, i'll get more ideas. on the side note, which one would you like to read next? WGM of Yugyeom season 2 or WGM of Youngjae? 

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