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You heard some music from outside the apartment. You guessed it was your boyfriend doing his dance practice. You looked at the time and frowned, it was late but he was still practicing. You walked into the apartment, changed your shoes into slippers and saw him dancing in the living room, totally unaware of your presence in the apartment yet.

"Gyeommie," you called out and he spun around so quickly.

"Geezz! You startled me!" he complained immediately. You threw yourself onto the couch before reprimanding him.

"It's late already. The neighbour will complain of the noise, from the music and from your feet," you reminded him and he was surprised to see the time. You bet he's been practicing for a long time before he realized that it was late already. "Why didn't you practice at the company?"

"We did. But I feel I need to practice more, so I decided to practice some more. I guess I'm too absorbed in dancing that I lost track of time," he admitted, turning off the music and started to walk to the bathroom to wash up. He walked out of the bathroom minutes later with hair still damp from the shower.

"Why are you practicing anyway? Comeback?" you asked when he was back in the living room, sitting next to you.

"No. We're going on a tour," his face fell when he remembered the reason why he had to practice hard in the first place.

"Tour? For how long?" you were stunned as well. This would be your first time away from Yugyeom since you started the relationship almost a year ago. You heard that it would be months, but hearing it from someone else and experienced it yourself was different.

"Six months," he answered. "Can you perhaps ask for some leave and visit me somewhere?" he looked up to see you hopefully.

"Well, maybe. I haven't used any of my paid leaves yet, so let's see your schedule first." It didn't take long for him to whip his phone out and handed it to you to see the schedule together.

"It'd be too soon for Thailand and I'll be bored to death if you waited until US to drop by," he pointed.

"Okay then, what about Hong Kong? It's about in the middle, and it's not that far. I think I can afford the ticket," you said and he pouted.

"I asked you to come, so why do you have to pay the ticket?"

"I want to come and it's my holiday, so I will pay for it myself," you didn't budge and he let you finally.

"Okay fine, but you don't need to book the hotel. You'll be staying with me," he bargained and you agreed.

"Baby Gyeommie can't sleep on his own," you teased him and his face became red.

"No. That's because I got sleep paralysis last time," he pouted.

"Then why Mark oppa kept saying that you asked him to move into your room?" you continued.

"He won't be saying that anymore since you'd be with me now," he pulled you into his hug and grinned before pouting again. "I wish you can just tag along for the whole tour," he whined.

You chuckled, "But that's impossible since I have work. Come on, let's just rest and I'll tell you if I got a word back about the leave. When will you leave?"

"In four days," he pulled you even closer now that you're both on the bed.

"Well, let's use the days wisely before you go," you patted his arm before closing your eyes.

He was in Singapore when you told him that your request was granted. He squealed happily and you couldn't help but to laugh along. But it was still another two months before you could join him, so until then, you resorted to video calls and texts. His whining was getting louder as time went by and you assured him that you'd be with him soon. You arrived at the airport safely. You were lucky the flight was a short one, so you weren't that exhausted. You went to the hotel by taxi and their manager met you in the lobby and let you into Yugyeom's room. He was kind enough to order you lunch and sent it to your room as you haven't eaten lunch yet. You decided to just rest at the hotel before the boys got back later that night. The others knew you were coming so they barged into the room when Yugyeom swiped the key card and taking turn to hug you, completely ignoring the whining Yugyeom.

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