RIOT (GOT7) - pt.3

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It was almost dawn when Yoojin rounded everyone up in the hospital. She was holding several stacks of papers in her hand and distributed them to everyone.
"We have some news. These are the names of the survivors that were treated here," she pointed to the stack of papers in Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Kayla's hands. "You three start making some calls to inform their families. If they're here, then you look at the second column to see where they're being treated and point their family to where the patients are. If they're in the ICU, then they can't be visited yet. That goes the same with the ER. Until they're transferred to the ward, the family should wait in the waiting room. But they're allowed to call or video call the patients. We will facilitate the call or video calls," she continued. Her face turned grim at her next news, "While these," she handed a bunch of papers to Jaebeom, Bambam and Mae. "These are the list of the victims that didn't survive. On the second column was the information where they were being sent. I've printed several sets. Put up one set on the first floor and then another set on the second floor. If the family are here, then make sure they talk to the authorities first. Try to calm everyone so the medical team can keep working saving the others. I bet there'll be chaos once some of them learnt that their families didn't survive, so don't hesitate to ask help from the security if things escalated," she warned them. Three people holding the bad news nodded their heads as they received the news and they hurriedly put up the news as instructed. Soon, people were crowding the announcement board and seconds later, either a gasp of relief or a wailing cry was heard.

"Noona," Yugyeom pulled Kayla's sleeve as he looked at her in despair. "This one is a foreigner," he pointed to his phone as he heard the person on the other side was answering in English. Kayla rolled her eyes and accepted the phone and handed her phone to Yugyeom. He shot her a grateful look immediately and accepted the phone and continued his job. Fifteen minutes later, they were halfway through their lists and Yugyeom felt exhausted already.
"Gosh.. I thought once everything is sorted at the scene, everything is finished and we can go home," he commented. "But apparently, at the hospital and police station, there is still tons of work to do."
"And they still need to continue their daily work tomorrow," Youngjae reminded him. All three of them sighed, thinking how exhausting it was, working in a medical field. Just as they were feeling exhausted thinking about their medic friends, Hyebin came into the room, stretching her body as it was stiff from holding the toddler all night long while he was sleeping.
"Is the boy alright?" Youngjae was quick to offer her a seat and massaged her stiff shoulder. She let out a satisfied grunt when she felt her muscle relaxed as Youngjae massaged it off. She tilted her head to one side to give more room for Youngjae to massage the rest of her shoulder.
"Yes," she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the massage. "Luckily they're able to find his family so I can rest now. What about the others? Have they gone back yet?"

Yugyeom shook his head, "Last time I heard, Jinyoung hyung, Jackson hyung, Mark hyung and Seonyoung noona are still on scene. Ellie noona is operating in the OR. Mae noona is on the first floor, navigating the family members who try to find their loved ones that's being treated here, Yoojin is dealing with the authorities, and .. where's Bambam?"
"I'm here," Bambam suddenly came into the room, bringing some food and coffee for everyone. "Yoojin is done with the authorities, so she'll be here soon. Jaebeom hyung and Elle noona will come with the lunchbox after they drop Jihoon at his school."
The rest of the people in the room thanked him for the coffee and the food. Bambam and Hyebin helped with the remaining tasks so it would finish faster. They were almost finished contacting the family members when the door opened again. This time it was Jaebeom and Elle, bringing breakfast for everyone. As they were going to dig in the food, the door was opened again.
"Fooodddd..," Mark immediately jumped into a chair and grabbed a box of food and started digging in without waiting for another second. "Ummm," he groaned as he felt the warmth of the food fill his mouth. "I think I can finish three boxes on my own," he said in between massaging his arms.

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