FAIRY TALES #6 - MARK (pt.3)

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Two weeks later, you found the captain in front of your apartment building. You had no choice but to let him go inside your apartment.

"What's up, cap?" you asked while giving him a cup of coffee and sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry for last time. The whole team felt cheated but most of them were okay by now, except one or two. Anyway, we need your help. I need you going undercover again. This time as a woman," he started to pull some files out of his bag and handed it to you. You opened the files and saw that you had to go in as the gang's medical aid. And they liked their aid to be a woman. Beautiful woman, if they might add.

"Sorry cap, if you didn't notice, I'm more like a cardboard rather than a guitar. Find someone else," you gave back the files, refusing the request straight.

"But you knew the place already. It'll be easier for you rather than train someone new," he insisted. You remembered, the gang was the same gambler ring, or at least the rest of it anyway since Mark told you they captured most of them already. "Their former medical aid got caught in the raid, so they've been searching for someone new. We have someone else infiltrating their gang already so he will pitch the idea about you to the gang. They still had some women captured. They needed the medical aid for the women."

You sighed. The captain really knew how to persuade you. "Okay fine," you found yourself agreeing. The next morning, you were transformed. They called in a makeup artist and a stylist to transform you. They put on hair extension on your hair, dyed it and styled your hair as well as made sure you had the right clothes to make you look a bit girlish.

"Oh wow, you looked different. Anyway, I was against this but the captain insisted," Mark looked surprised to see you after the transformation but still conveyed his disagreement. The meeting took place that afternoon. The plan was you got in, pretended to attend the victim while counting the people inside and after you were finished, you reported the whole situation and the team would ambush them and saved the victims. Everything went as planned at first, until the lady boss arrived. You prayed that she didn't recognize you now that you had long reddish brown hair, heavy makeup on your face. You cursed inside, questioning how the lady boss managed to escape. You were about to finish checking up all the girls and were about to walk out of the place when the lady boss stopped you.

"You looked awfully similar to someone, but I can't pinpoint it," she put his finger under your chin, turning your head to the left and right, trying to figure out who you were underneath all the heavy makeup. You tried hard to control your breath and your pupil. She shouldn't see that you were anxious under her scrutiny.

"Sorry ma'am, but this is the first time I step foot here. And I hope it'll be the last. If only I didn't have debt to that bastard," you pretended to be pissed to be dragged there. She seemed to buy it and let you walk, but when you put your hand on the door handle, she suddenly called your alias, the one that you used when you were undercover as a boy, and you made a grave mistake. You turned around! You immediately tried to cover it by asking, "I'm okay to leave, ain't I? I hope you won't need me again." You tried to make sure your voice didn't waver by your mistake, but her gaze was piercing through you and seconds later, you found the thugs gripped your arms and yanked you away from the door, bringing you back inside. You frantically shouted, "Let me go!" Hoping that Mark would hear it through your earpiece and motioned the rest of the team outside to raide inside. Thankfully Mark heard you. The thugs didn't even get the chance to lay a finger on you when Mark and the rest of the team barged in. You landed a punch on one of the thug but the other pulled you and threw you on the ground. The rest went so fast like a movie. You saw some officers ran to get the thugs and the boss lady, the others ran to free the victims, and Mark helped you on your feet again before dragging you out. However, you were not used to wearing heels so it hindered your moves. Mark lost his patience and decided to whip you, put you over his shoulder and ran. You were so flustered that you couldn't anything to say other than asking him to put you back down.

"Just be quiet, woman!" Mark reprimanded you and you kept still until he put you back on your feet and told you to go inside his car and drove back to the precinct. This time aside from bruises from the tight grip you had earlier, you managed to escape unscathed. Once again, the captain congratulated you for another successful mission. The captain even promised you a spot once you finished with your school. Though not all of the team seemed happy about it.

"Just say it," you grunted once you were back inside Mark's car. Somehow he insisted to give you a lift even though you were against it.

"Are you okay?" he glanced at you briefly before looking back on the road. You were taken aback by his question. You thought he would be mad at your for making a grave mistake back then.

"Um, yeah, I guess," you said, unsure with the sudden changes.

"So, you're going back to school after this?"

"Yeah. We've accomplished our mission, so I have to go back to school."

Mark stopped the car and you saw that you have arrived in front of your apartment's building. You thanked him and was about to get off but Mark stopped you. You looked at him and he looked rather.. nervous?

"Wait. I know I've been harsh at you, but that's because I don't want any harm happened to you. Anyway, I bet school starts on Monday?" You were unsure of the sudden turn in your conversation, but you nodded anyway. "So, maybe.. do you want to go out with me this weekend?" You didn't know how to react to his question. "Well, I won't blame you if you didn't want to," he looked down, looking a bit disappointed?

You bit your lips, "No. I mean. Yes, I'd love to," you interrupted him quickly and his head shot up quickly, a smile broke on his face.

"Really? Great! I'll pick you up at 7. You're okay with Italian, right?" he said before letting you go. Oh well, switching place with your dad was a right decision, you thought. Who knew it would turn into something else?

GOT7 one shots & imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن