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"Any problem at the headquarter?" you called your coworker once you were on your way back to the jet after visiting Youngjae. You were lucky to catch the problem when you were there so you could solve it quickly. You were thinking of visiting Mark next since he was in the US and it took quite some time to get there, even with the private jet, so better visited him first than Yugyeom.

"Nope. Everything is okay," he answered.

"Ugh. I wish everything is okay when I was in the headquarter so I don't need to go around the world," you groaned before ending the call. You ordered the pilot to start the engine, this way all the way across the ocean to US, first drop to LA where Mark would be there. Again, you were thinking that Mark and Jinyoung were the least to cause problem, but since the incident with Jinyoung, you knew better than not to assume anything until you saw it with your own eyes. Once you stepped down from the jet, you were grateful that the weather was not freezing cold like Korea. Due to time zone difference, it was afternoon already when you arrived, so you headed to the shopping mall where Mark would be stationed at straight from the airport. He didn't notice your presence as he was paying attention to the little girl on his lap. Though he looked at her with undivided attention and nodded his head several times as response, he barely said anything. He did smile though, and you could see his smile was enough to charm both the girl and the mother. Typical Mark. He just needed to smile and lines of girls would fall for him, no matter how old they were, little girl to grandma.. As long as they were females, then they would fall for his charm. You, yourself, couldn't help but smiling at the warming scene. But it came short when you heard a scoff nearby.

You spotted a little boy scoffed at Mark. He refused to go wait in the lines even though his mother insisted. She even persuaded him that he would get presents in exchange since he was being a good boy all year long. He seemed adamant to fall behind the lines. You were curious so you approached him. You never saw a kid that wasn't eager to tell their wishes to Santa.

"Hey there, why don't you want to go see Santa?" you didn't sugarcoat as you knew the kid wouldn't buy if you sweet-talked him, so you decided to be straightforward with him.

"Huh, have you ever heard of a trustworthy skinny Santa?"

You were surprised to hear his reason. Sure, the Santa image that has been going around the world was the old fat guy in red suit with thick white beard. Mark might not be the best impression of the classic Santa image, but that didn't mean that he wasn't trustworthy just because he was skinny.

"But look at the kids before you.. They all like him and trust him enough," you continued.

"Nope. I'm not trusting that skinny Santa," he said, marching away from the place and you couldn't stop him as you didn't know how to change his mind. You hoped that he wouldn't make some trouble or it would cause problem to Mark as well. But, again, you didn't get your wish granted as you saw the boy started to talk to other kids about his opinion. He tried to tell all the kids that he met that the skinny Santa was probably a scammer. At first, the other kids dismissed him, but later, some kids started to believe him. Especially since the other kids that had met Mark gave their opinion about Mark.

"He's awfully silent that I don't think he heard me," one of the kids said.

"Yeah.. Even though he nodded while I was talking, he barely said anything that I started to wonder whether he really listened to me or not? Whether I'll get my present or not?" the other one added.

"I don't know.. He did smile though.. Would a bad guy smile as well?" one girl wondered.

The first boy was first to dismiss her hesitation, "He could be faking it. He could pretend that he is nice by smiling, but in fact he is a bad guy." One kid was about to cry, thinking that he wouldn't get his present when you decided to step in.

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