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Two nights ago

[Are you with my brother now?] You looked at your phone and frowned when you saw Baby's text. Yeah sure, sometimes she would text you because you've been working with Bambam for 3 years now, so you've met them, hence they knew your phone number. But they rarely texted you, mainly because of the language barrier, Baby including.

[No. I'm in Korea] It wasn't a secret either that you never went with him whenever he had a job outside Korea. You always had excuses lining up whenever he asked you to come along. This time he was away to Philippines and Thailand. Considering that it was summer in Korea and it was hot in South East Asian, you didn't feel that you've missed something when you rejected the offer. Maybe it would be different if it was winter in Korea, but you'd never knew.

[Did you check your SNS?] Baby's text came again, and you frowned. Did Bambam do something stupid so you had to tell the PR team? You immediately opened your SNS and tried to find clips of his shows. He had finished his performance in Manila and tomorrow he would perform in Thailand. You spent an hour, looking at all the clips, including the ones in twitter but still you couldn't figure out why Baby was texting you.

[Anything I should know?] You decided to just ask her straight.

[Yeah, look at the fan-cams that captured his dancer]

His dancer? You frowned again. Why the hell would people talk about his dancer? You checked your SNS again and found the clips that Baby was talking about. He just changed his dancers from his usual, so you weren't accustomed to them yet. But they looked okay when you saw the practice.

[Okay, what about it?]

[Can you get his IG handler?] You frowned again. The dancer IG handler? You didn't even know his name, how would you know his IG handler?

[Ok. I'll see what I can do] Yeah yeah.. Even though you didn't know his name, sooner or later the fans would find out a thing or two about him, including his IG handler. And you were right. You just needed to check the twitter and fans already bombarded Bambam's twitter with pictures and comments about his backup dancer, including the dancer's IG handler. You forwarded the information to Baby and soon she joined the rest of the fandom, teasing Bambam about his backup dancer. His mother as well. His family was really something else. It was amusing to see the whole family hyped the fans to tease him.

[Did you see my twitter?] This time it was your boss that decided to disturb your peaceful night.


[Can you believe it? He could steal my whole fandom]

You wanted to roll your eyes. He was always exaggerating things. But then again, he grew up with Jackson, who was always so petty and extra about stuff like this, so obviously it would rub off to him.

[You didn't think it's possible, did you?] Since you didn't answer him, he sent another text, which exactly your thought.

[No. You're just being silly. You're just exaggerating things.] You answered at last.

But apparently that didn't went into his head. He decided to enable the fans. You saw him posted a picture of him together with his dancer and clearly stated that he considered giving his dancer 3 months rest before he stole his whole fandom. Then posted another tweet of him saying goodnight to his fans but with a shotgun GIF. He even changed his profile picture and declared his fans as cheaters. You've warned him not to do anything stupid on tonight's show, but apparently he didn't listen.


Your annoying boss would arrive back in Korea any minute now. He flew straight from Thailand right after his show. The show where he deliberately put his dancer under the spotlight to accommodate the hype from the fans.

"What?" he whined when he saw your sour face when you picked him up from the airport. "No welcome for me?" he opened wide his arms but you just ignored him.

"No," you decided not to entertain him and just drove him back to his place.

"So, I heard you helped Baby," he started when he had settled in the car. "You found my dancer's IG handler and gave it to my sister." You said nothing and just raised an eyebrow. You knew he could see your reflection from the rear view mirror. "Do you also think that he's cute?" he continued as predicted.

"He looks okay," you shrugged. You peeked at him through the rearview mirror and you saw him being sulky when he heard your answer. You were about to leave when you received text from the company.

"Bam, is it okay if I stop at your place for a second to reply this text? I need to check something on my laptop and replied them back ASAP," you pointed to your phone and he nodded.

"Yeah sure, no problem. Come on up, you can work from my place," he agreed. You grabbed your bag as you heard him mutter something like as if you never did that before when he exited the car. "You can work here. I'll go wash up. Make yourself at home," he said when we finally were inside his place and left me in his living room to work while he went to his room to wash up.

Bambam's POV

I closed the door and bumped my head on the door. I was foolish two nights ago and did something rash by replying those tweets. I couldn't believe the fandom that I adored so much decided to betray me. Even my sister and my own mother joined in the wagon to tease me as well. I was actually okay with it, but I decided to tease my fans even more by putting him in the spotlight. However, I didn't expect that it would backfire at me. Yoojin reprimanded me for being stupid and she also thought that he was cute. I was okay with the fans, my sister and my mother that thought my dancer was cute, but I clearly wasn't okay with her answer.

I decided to just wash up and hoped that she would still be here when I finished showering. It had been few days since I last saw her, and I stupidly ruined the moment. I got out of my room, drying my hair with towel and saw her still sitting in my living room. She probably didn't realize me coming out of my room since she was too preoccupied with whatever she was doing. She had her laptop open in front of her and her phone in her hand. She was scrolling her phone as if she was checking something. I sneaked up behind her and saw her scrolling my pictures from a week ago until yesterday. I stopped behind her and saw that she was looking at my pictures from my ySL project. She was talking to probably the PR team, muttering something.

"Yeah, he looks better in black. I don't know why he bothers to dye his hair when he looks better with black hair. And his hair always looks better in this length," I heard her say. She paused to let the other person on the other side talk before she opened her mouth again. "Yeah, you can say that. He looks more handsome nowadays, compared to his earlier days. Okay, we're in agreement about the photos then? Okay... See you later," she ended her call and I scrambled away quickly before she noticed me. I couldn't help but smiling like idiot when I recalled her words. It didn't matter that the whole fandom and my own sister and mother thought that my dancer was cute, as long as Yoojin thought I was more handsome. Should I keep my hair black and never dye it again? And what did she say about the length? Should I keep it this length forever?

"What are you doing there looking a fool? Smiling by yourself?" I spun around so quickly to see her standing behind me.

"Nothing," I quickly said. There's no way I'm telling her what's inside my mind right now. 

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