"I'm guessing they both died?" Leah who heard the conversation took a step closer to me, to give me some kind of comfort.

"Yeah they did. The world cup next month's gonna be hard without them. They were the first ones to believe in me and who said that I would make it to the world cup. Now it's here and they won't be there." I lowered my head, staring at the ground now. Lukas stopped for a minute and gave me a proper look.

"Well how about I'll do those two tattoos for free if you survive this one and well, still want them after." Ha laughed a bit.

"Ooh no, you don't have to do that."

"I know but I can tell that those two people meant a great deal to you. They can not be there anymore in person but maybe these two small reminders might ease the pain a bit." He smiled, picking back up where he left off.

"That would be nice. Thank you." I whispered.

"You're very welcome."

And so I left the tattoo parlor not with one but with three tattoos. One on the insight of my right arm and two small ones on my left wrist.

The time to say my goodbyes to my friends had sadly arrived. The world cup was starting in about two weeks so all of us were heading towards their national teams.

"It's gonna be quiet here without you." Daan pulled me into a tight hug.

"Don't worry, I told Katie to come over occasionally. She will make some noise." I chuckled.

"Those Spaniards better treat you right or I will come over and kick their asses." She released me from the hug but she kept her hands on my shoulder.

"Promise me, you call from time to time and that you will come to visit us." She pleaded.

"I promise. Don't worry."

She gave me one last smile and let me go. Beth, Lisa and Jordan were the next ones to come up to me.

"We're gonna miss you." Beth was the first one to pull me in.

"Yeah, who's now gonna look up random facts with me." Jordan joined the hug with Lisa soon following.

"Or help me with my vlogs."

"I'm gonna miss you guys too and don't worry, you can always call me when you want to look up some random facts or need help with your vlog." I tightened my hold on the three a bit more.

"It's gonna be boring without you, you know? But I'm proud of you." The others let go of the hug and I turned around to face Katie.

"Nah, I'm sure you've got it handled." I smirked and pulled her and Rue into a hug.

"Take care of this one. She needs some supervision from time to time." I mumbled to Rue.

Both girls laughed at that but I felt Rue nod. "Don't worry, I will. You take care of yourself alright?"

"I will." I let go of the couple and walked up to Viv who instantly wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm really gonna miss you." She mumbled.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Promise me you keep doing goat things over here?"

"If you promise to do them in Spain? Just not against us though." She chuckled.

"I promise." I giggled. "Can't promise to part where I play against you though."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Now that I had said my goodbyes I was ready to leave for the airport. Without a single world I left my friends who were in the living room and went to what used to be my room.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now