Chapter 11

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Back in the other dimension also known R18, as Donnie calls it.

The four turtles were lingering around the lair. They couldn't do much of anything as the sun was still up and shining. Donnie had left the group and stayed cooped up in his lab all day, everyday. Raph and Micheal were trying their best to not be awkward around their new guest, while they waited for April to show up. Micheal insisted on calling her over claiming it was an emergency, which wasn't technically wrong.

"So other dimensional Leo, what do you usually do for fun!" Micheal asked, to be quite honest he was bored, very bored.

"Erm, well usually I train with my brothers or alone in my dojo most the time." Leo stated.

"Boring, you don't watch any tv shows, or skateboard?" Micheal exaggerated the g in boring, carrying it out longer than needed.

"Oh yea actually! I watch the greatest show of all time! It's called Space Hero's." Leo got all star-y eyed thinking about his show.

Micheal and Raph gave each-other a glance and shrugged their shoulders. Leo noticed their reaction and spoke up.

"What's with the shrug?"

"Well we uh, we don't know what that show is." Raph replied and rubbed his neck with his hand. Leo had a face full of shock, in his eyes this was a crime greater than first degree murder.


Micheal and Raph covered their sensitive ears from Leo's loud yelling. Once he finished the other two chuckled at his antics.

"Heh... sorry bout that." Leo apologized.

"No problamo." Micheal smiled.

"We may not have a show called Space Hero's but we have the true number one best movie series of all time! Jupiter Jim!" Raph bragged and went to go find a copy of one of the movies.

"What's that?" Leo questioned and turned towards Micheal for answers.

"The best movie of all time baby!" Micheal hollered out.

"Oh you're in for the best time of your life! Raph is getting one of the movies so we can watch it!" Micheal informed Leo about the movie night and he'd force him to join weather he likes it or not.

"Oh mi gosh! I have to get us snacks, maybe D will join us." Micheal ran off having an excitement overload and went to fetch Donnie first.

"D, D!" Micheal repeated his name until he spun around in his purple chair.

"Sigh, yes Micheal?" Donnie literally said the word sigh aloud and turned around with an unfazed look on his face.

"Raph, me, and April are going to watch Jupiter Jim! Wanna come watch?" Micheal spoke rapidly due to his over excitement.

"I can't Micheal, I have to work on this portal device." Donnie spoke and was about to turn his chair around but Micheals hand gripped the chair and respun his chair, making Donnie face Micheal once more.

"Pleaseeee, please, please come watch it with us! You've been in your lab for over a day." Micheal whined and pouted for his older (and secretly favorite) brother to come join him.

Donnie opened his mouth about to decline but said yes due to his little brothers puppy eyes he gave him.

"Yay! Thanks D, you're the best!!" Micheal exclaimed and gave his favorite brother a hug before running off, out the lab. Donnie secretly smiled and walked out to join him.

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