Part Nine

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Chan pov
I opened my eyes looking around the room, my vision is a little bit blurry after jeongin drank my blood.
"seungmin brought you food, you can eat" a voice said making me jump I looked toward the balcony to see the boy leaning on the edge watching me....half naked.....
My eyes went wide remembering what happened earlier....we slept together, I looked under the covers....yes, I am not wearing my clothes.
"did we....did..."
"yes we sound like it is your first time " he said shaking his head, I looked down in embarrassment "oh, it was sorry" he added entering the room.
Sorry...just sorry....i wanted my first time to be special not with blood start to boil as I jumped from my bed not caring about my lack of clothing.

" was my first time...i wanted..."
"but you enjoyed it" he cut me off, I froze in my place, he walked toward me with a smirk " you enjoyed every second of it channie" he whispered into my ears making me shiver.
"stop...please stop" I pushed him away gently looking back , I did enjoy it...
"why." he back hugged me " I enjoyed myself were too good for a human " he added with a chuckle.
"this is wrong " I pushed his arm running toward the bed to cover myself.
"if I made you uncomfortable I apologize....but you could have stop...i asked you but you didn't say no" he said going to his closet fetching a shirt and a short throwing them on the bed" I won't touch you like that your food seungmin will come and take you to your friends " he added going to the window, he glanced at me before he jumped.
What the hell,I ran after him........i forgot he is supernatural nothing will happen to him.

My eyes widened when I saw the boy's wings...yes wings to be exact grey wings spread from his back as he flew away.
That was beautiful, they were so gorgeous.
I walked inside wearing the clothes before I went toward the food, I scanned it before I start eating....i feel dizzy not eating will make it worse...i need my energy if I want to leave this place.
Seungmin entered the room as I finished my plate, he scanned the room before he frown" let's get you to your friends " he said walking out. I walked silently after him....he looks angry did he find out about jeongin and I....
He opened the door for the room from earlier, han was eating.
"hyung....are you okay?" he jumped from his bed running toward me..
"I am fine...where is the others?" I said hugging him.
"changbin in the shower....and there is no sign of minho" he said glaring at seungmin.
"he is will see him tomorrow...good night" he said leaving.
"what is wrong with him?" han pointed
"I don't know"I simply replied taking a seat next to han.

"I...what happened after I left?" I asked fiddling with my fingers.
"Felix took me...and the red haired one took minho hyung" han replied.
"who?" I asked confused.
"the oldest one he has red hair....his name is hyunjin...he came after you were taken" he explained I nodded my head.
"han...did he do something to you?"I asked.
"he drank from me if you are asking about that and you?" he answered.
I am the only one who slept with one of them" so he just drank your blood... nothing more..."
"hyung, what did he do to you?" han said frowning.
"nothing" I chuckled nervously, as jeongin said I didn't stop him so I can't put all the blame on him....
"are you sure?" he asked" they have powers you know that....if did something to you and made your forget" he added.

My eyes went wide at what he said....they have powers how could I forget? What if he made me agree....shit, I remember agreeing....but what he used some kind of magic to make me say yes.
"hyung" han shook me pulling me out of my thoughts.
"what is wrong?" I said looking at him.
"did he...."
"no, forget about it" I cut him jumping from the bed at that exact moment changbin entered the room drying his hair with a towel.
"hyung" he yelled running toward me"are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he asked checking me out.
"stop it" I yelled pushing his arm off me.
"hyung" han gasped
"did I do something wrong?" changbin said surprised by my outburst
I felt guilty seeing him like this.
"binie...i am...sorry..."I shuttered, I know he is just worried about me but it is too much...i need to think.
"I understand" he nodded walking away without an other word.

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