Part Two

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3rd pov
"where am I?" changbin said looking around, he was in a forest yet it looked different than a normal one that he knew, trees where in different colors than the usual ones in earth. A loud sound picked the boy interest he looked up the sky to see hoarse flying around.
"what is that?" changbin murmured before the realization hit him " a unicorn" he gasped falling into the ground.
"what is this place?" changbin asked.
"what are doing here, elf?" a voice said making the boy jump.
"who are you?" he looked around looking for the source.
"up here" he said looking at the branch of a tree.
"what are you?" changbin said crawling away.
" a fairy clearly" the small looking boy said flying to changbin." you are not an smell like a human" the fairy added with wide eyes
" I am dreaming right now...i must be going mad"changbin said shaking his head.
"how did you get here? This place is not fit for your kind, you need to leave" the fairy said changing into a human side, he was a little taller than changbin.

"how did you do that?" changbin asked.
"I told you I am a fairy, we can change to normal size too, human" the boy said.
"changbin" the human said making the fairy confused " my name is changbin" the boy clarified .
"oh, my name is hongjoong I would have said nice to meet you but I can't, you should not be here if a dark creatures finds you he will drink you dry or eat you alive..." hoongjoon said offering a hand to the boy.
"dark creatures, you mean like vampires and demons" changbin asked .
"yeah, this world has both dark and light creatures or a mix of both, the ones who have two genes in them are more powerful" the fairy explained.
"and you?"
"I am just a fairy" hoongjoon said " but my mate is a demon, I got some of his magic after mating but not it is not as powerful as having it at birth"he added.

"I see, so mates are real too" changbin gasped.
"why am I telling you this? You should leave .... Seonghwa is right I talk a lot" he murmured the last part.
"changbin" a voice said making the little fairy turn into his little form and hid.
"chan hyung" changbin said when he saw his friend running toward him " it is real hyung...and I think we are stuck is because of me... Why did you follow me?" the boy added.
"you crazy little idiot" chan pulled him into a hug breaking into tears " I thought I lost you" he hugged him tighter.
"I am okay...but how are we going to leave" changbin asked.
"you can't" the fairy come back making chan let of high pitched scream.
"relax hyung, he is just a fairy" changbin said.
"just a fairy....JUST A FAIRY " chan said in disbelief, changbin chuckled looking at hoongjoon.
"what do you mean we can't, you told me I should leave from the moment you saw me..."
"I meant to leave the forest, it is getting dark and it is not safe here" hoongjoon explained" you can't leave this world, the only way out is through the royals....and the......and believe me you don't want to meet them" the boy added.

Suddenly a black smoke come from nowhere scaring the two humans.
"back away from my mate" a dark voice said echoing the whole forest.
"hwa, it is okay. There are just humans" the fairy said hugging his mate.
"how did the both of you get here ?" the demon said smelling the air" it is true they are humans", he looked at his mate.
"actually, we are four in two friends crossed before me , I didn't find them" chan explained
"minho and han are here?" the shorter human said making the other nod.
"oh, boy....i hope they are alive because believe me other creatures are not...if. I was another demons I would have drunk you alive" seonghwa said licking his lips, the two humans tensed taking a step back.
"he is joking" hoongjoon said hitting his mate's shoulder" he is mated so he has more control over his blood cravings" he added.
"yes that's true but a human blood I didn't taste it in 30 are really rare here, no human ever crossed the border in the last 15 years....if they found out about you they hunt you down, and sell you as blood slaves.....maybe to the royals" seonghwa said making the boys shiver.

"it is getting late, we should hid them" hoongjoon said looking at his mate with puppy eyes.
"joon, no. If they find out we will get in trouble" the man said shaking his head.
"but...look at them...i mean yes they are buff" he said scanning the boys" but they are nothing compared to magical creatures....please" he added.
The demon sight before he agreed" we can ask san and woo to hid them, using there magic".
"thank you" hoongjoon said." come with us" he looked at the humans.
"I am thankful that you are trying to help...but we don't know you...and no offense but he is a demon...if I remember anything from the movies that this boy made me watch with him is not to trust demons" chan said pointing at his friend", plus we need to find our friends" he added taking changbin's hand.
"we won't force you but believe me there are creatures out there that doesn't have control that we good luck" seonghwa said taking his mate with him.
Joon looked back watching the two humans behind him.

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