Part Thirty-Seven

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Hyunjin's pov
"why what happened to felix hyung?" before I could ask, jeongin to come with the humans behind him.
" should come and see by yourself "san answered looking down.
"take me to him now...where is he?" I yelled glaring at him.
"he is in hell...i will take to him" san said, I am trying my best not to rip his head off right now...did he know about Felix's whereabouts all this time?
"jeongin take them back to castle...seungmin come with..."
"no way in hell...i am coming too" jeongin cut me off.
"you can't leave them alone" I growled at the boy but it didn't seem to faze him.

"hyung, he is my mate..."
"we will not be alone...we are coming too" chan said.
"No"the three of us yelled at him making the boy jump back.
"hell is not suitable for humans" seungmin said shaking his head.
"sorry to cut your little chat...but it is SO DAMN URGENT" san yelled before his eyes went wide from his outburst"I apologize your highnesses..."
"I want to come too..." minho said, god damn it...
"let's, led the way" I looked at san before we made our way toward hell.

Wooyoung was standing in front of a room going back and forth...he liked at us surprised more like at the humans.
"hyunjin, I need you not to panic...he is..."
"you fucking knew about where he was all this time" I growled taking him by his neck"I was worried sick about him"I added squeezing hard making it hard for him to breathe.
"your highn..."
"I will kill you" I cut him off shaking from anger.
"king hwang stop" san yelled at me.
"hyunjin stop" minho said putting his hand over my grip" let him go" he added, I took a deep breath pulling back.

"you better start talking now" seungmin said.
"take us to him first " jeongin added he looked so angry yet he can't seem to mask his fear from seungmin and me.
Wooyoung opened the door to the room I can feel it filled with magic, my eyes caught a glass cell.
"hyung" jeongin yelled running toward it but he was pushed back by some unknown barrier."what the hell is this" he growled trying to push through it.
"it is a spell done by King lee, this is the only way to open the cell"wooyoung said showing a key, I can feel the dark magic coming from it...he is telling the truth it is felix's...
Felix was laying inside a bed, he looked so pale, black veins are covering his entire body this time...if I didn't feel him I would have said he is dead.
"what happened to him?" changbin said with wide eyes.

"first let's start from the beginning...king lee... felix was poisoned," wooyoung said making my whole body freeze.
"what the hell do you mean poisoned" it was seungmin's turn to yell.
"there is this old poison known to demons, it makes their genes more reduces makes them monsters, felix was taking it...for over 400 years now...since he..."
"he became king of hell" I cut him off but he nodded.
"who did it?" I asked clenching my hands, I am going to kill them...all of them....
"Amon"wooyoung said, that bastard."when I tested his blood and found the poison, I advised him to try and get it out of his body...I told him to reach out to you since your blood will make it easier for him, but he is so damn stubborn...he refused, he thought you won't help him...he is blaming himself for what happened to your human mate...but hyunjin, it was not is the poison...what he did all his life was under the influence of the damn venom." he added

"is he getting better?" jeongin asked his eyes not leaving felix's could this happen without us knowing... just how?
"I prepared a potion to help him...but he is in so much can't kill him but he is wishing that he could...he needs your blood" wooyoung explained.
"what potion...give it to me...and why is he sleeping?" Sungmin said getting irritated.
"he...he lost conscious from pain...he told me not to tell you but he can't get over this alone" wooyoung said looking down.
"I should rip your heart off for your should have come to us from the start" I said glaring at him

Suddenly a loud scream come from felix....his deep voice echoed throughout the whole place...he is in pain...he has been suffering all alone and I had no idea..what do I keep failing my mates...
"open the damn door wooyoung" jeongin banged at the glass looking at Felix who was groaning in pain.
"god damn" I yelled making the boy run toward the cell to open it.
"he may lose control over his actions be careful" he said.
I immediately run inside the cell with jeongin seungmin went to check in the potion that wooyoung gave to felix...

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