Chapter 42

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"Alec!" Funneh yelled, "ALEC!" she yelled louder and Alec finally turned to her, "What is it Funneh?" Funneh smiled as Alec ran like lightning to her. "I want Kyran and Gold to say 'I lov you' and DON'T ASK WHY!...thank you." She smiled, "I'll get Kyran because he still doesn't trust you and you'll get Gold." Funneh ran away leaving Alec alone. Holding a black box, with something special inside.


Funneh smiled at Kyran, "you got this! Just do as I said and you'll be fine!" Funneh said, Kyran looked at Funneh, "um, okay. Gold, I love yyyyy-Europe! Aww, dang it!" Kyran sat on the floor, "I'll never be able to do it! It's to hard!" Kyran sat against a locker, as Funneh stared at him. "Oh, Kyran. It's alright. I had to build the courage too! But tell me, do you really love her? Because I don't want you to lie.."

"I DO I LOVE HER! She just took too long to see it." Kyran gasped and smiled, "I know what to say! Thanks Funneh!" Kyran got up and ran to find Gold. Funneh smiled when she got a text from Alec, 'Gold's on her way' Funneh smirked.


"...and why does he want to say it! Why so random?" Gold asked Alec, "he'll say.." Alec hoped. Gold smiled, "you planned this...with Funneh? Eh?" Alec shook his head. Gold glared (hah! Puns..get it? Because Gold nglare. Hah) "Nope, in fact Kyran planned it all himself." Gold smiled and ran off. Alec whipped out his phone and texted Funneh, 'Gold's on her way' then he got a text back, 'so is Kyran..Hehehehe.' Alec smirked.

~{Kyran & Gold}~

Kyran stood in the park waiting for Gold to come. Then he saw her running towards him and stopping right in front of him, "Are you okay?" Kyran asked, Gold nodded. "We'll I- um." He remembered what Funneh told him, "Gold, I love you. I did even before we started dating and it took too long for you see it and- and when you and Prince broke up I saw your heart, um, crumble into pieces and I knew then and there that I loved you, even if you didn't love me." Kyran stopped breathing as he waited for a response.

"Kyran, I-" she took a deep breath, "I love you, too but I don't have a long paragraph to prove it. The best I can do is say it." Kyran started breathing again when Gold wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. Kyran smiled, "but now we're late to class. Come on Kyran.." Gold smiled and grabbed Kyran's hand and pulled him into the class.

Sorry it's a bit short and it's really rushed so yeah.


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