Chapter 15

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Evan walked around the school pushing people out of the way, "Hey! Ironing board, why would you push me?" Evan turned to see, Felicia, "Oh sorry Felicia gotta go! Bye!" Evan rushed away making Felicia ticked. "oh thank goodness, Prince!" Evan threw his arms in the air. Prince stepped backward and adjusted his blonde hair, "what do you want?" He said, Gold was there too she put her hand on her hip.

"Oh, um I need help..Lunar told me to find a pro a girls so I came to you, Prince!" Evan smiled, "also Gold can help too.." Gold looked at Prince then at Evan, "fine, which girl are you crushing one?" Gold smiled, and started turning on her phone. Evan stood there saying nothing and looking at the blue lockers on the walls he chuckled awkwardly, and a bit embarrassed. He made a disgusted face when he saw a locker with like a million chewed gum pieces on it. 

"Um, well, that just the thing I don't have one! I did! But now she's dating.." Evan said, "someone else not me.." Evan leaned against a locker only to slip and struggle to stand back up until he did.          Gold smacked her forehead and Prince gazed at other people's posts, then stopped to look at a Felicia post. Gold noticed and slowly lowered her hand and put it on her elbow, "um, If you want some-some advice on girls then you'd have to ask ME! Not Prince I am clearly a girl!" Gold said smiling, Evan saw the sadness in her face.

"Hey Gold what's- whoa hey.." Lunar appeared outta no where, and looked at Evan, "sup.." then Lunar looked at Gold, also seeing sadness, or jealousy? "Are you good Gold?" Lunar's stared at Prince, "ugh, Prince what are you doing?" Lunar saw him scrolling through Felicia's posts in the reflection of his eyes. He quickly shut his phone off, "oh what? Just looking at girl advice for my fellow friend Evan.." he said, sweating. Lunar gave a small chuckle, "okay..we'll time to on Funneh..bye!" She hugged Gold and tapped Evan on the shoulder as if saying cya later.  Gold laughed, "okay bye.." Gold smiled, lifelessly.

-Fellow Plebian

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