Chapter 19

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Still with my glitchy iPad) Yandere smiled, "so now that you all now my secret you all have to-" Draco wrapped his arms around Yandere trapping her, "TRAPPED!" he yelled, "y'know I had practice with Funneh..." Draco smiled and looked Funneh, "NO YOU STOOPY, THAT'S FOR WHEN YOU WANT TO GET TO THE GIRL NOT TO TRAP HER!" Funneh yelled, "WELL YOU DID NOT TELL ME THAT! YOU ARETHE STOOPY ONE!" "uh huh, WELL I'M NOT THE ONE TRAPPING A GIRL!" "ATLEAST I"M DOING SOMETHING! YOUR STANDING AND DOING NOTHING!" Draco threw his arms up letting Yandere escape, he and Funneh kept fighting, "oh my- UGh!" Rainbow groaned, "LUNAR GET HER! GOLD STOP THIS FIGHT I WILL GET SOMEONE!" Rainbow bust open the closet door, and ran outside they heard her trip on her shoe's laces. "..WANT TO GO THERE-" 

"OH MY GOSH SHUT UP! YOU TWO HAVE FIGHTING SINCE HE WAS BORN-" Gold was cut off, "in the womb actually" the both said at the same time with one finger up, "OH WHATEVER THE POINT IS STOP FIGHTING! AND DO YOUR STUPID TROUBLEMAKER STUFF ON YANDERE" Draco and Funneh looked at each other and smirked, "We've got you Gold.." Funneh said, and high fived Draco.

Rainbow ran down that halls, she was not wearing good running shoes. She had tripped into like eight people. Rainbow tripped again but this person caught her, "woah, good?" Rainbow looked up, Senpai. "Oh uh yeah..heh definitely..." she stood and put her hair behind her ear, "I can't stay long! Bye!" Rainbow ran away. Senpai shrugged and walked down the hallway.

They cracked their fingers at the same time, Funneh and Draco read each other's minds...they did a cool handshake then started doing stuff it looked like blue and green trails as they ran around the closet grabbing things, "wow good job Draco..ready?" They both got into a running position, "born ready.." he smiled. 

Rainbow had bumped into another person, a teacher, "OH MY GOODNESS! YANDERE! SHE'S A-A MURDERER! SHE TRIED MURDERING ME A-AND MY SIBLINGS..I.......ran here let me catch my breath." Rainbow put her hands on her knees. The teacher had started laughing, she pushed her glasses up, "Oh, silly..what is this a prank? A camera behind that plant? Betty, please..there is no student here name Yandere.." the teacher didn't believe her, she was giggling, "yes, very funny now Betty La get to your class.." she said, and pushed her glasses up again. Rainbow scoffed, then suddenly stood straight up, "oh your right, Miss uh Jared...may I see last years yearbook? I wanted to have a little joke before.." Rainbow put her hands behind her back, Miss Jared smiled, "'course, just go to the front desk ask them there.." Miss Jared smiled and walked away. Rainbow smirked, "bingo.."

"See Gold and Lunar? It's easier with duct tape no need for hardness like- I don't know.." Draco paused, "seriously I don't know.." Yandere had tape on her mouth, and around her wrists and ankles, "you know..she can still teleport.." Lunar said, Yandere nodded when red smoke filled the room and Yandere was gone.. Lunar stomped her foot, "DANG IT!" she yelled, Funneh frowned, "Lunar, chill.." Draco nodded, and stood next to Funneh. Gold rolled her eyes, "oh whatever..Wenny, just teleport to her and like make her not be able to teleport or something I don't know.." Gold placed her fingers on her forehead, Draco put his arm around Gold, "It does not work like that.." Lunar smiled, "actually.." purple smoke filled the room.

"Yandere, let's see.." Rainbow spoke to herself, "here..Yumi? Oh that's not what I expected.." Rainbow closed the book and place it on the desk, "thank you! I just needed some names- for the yearbook this year!" The front desk person was confused but didn't question it. Rainbow cracked her fingers, styled her hair into a ponytail, took off her shoes, and ran for it.

Funneh and Draco were talking, "I am better! The older the smarter.." Funneh said, "but I am better because I'm taller! The taller the..better" the door bust open, "YUMI YOUR- where's Yandere, come on guys.." Draco and Funneh glanced at each other and smirked, "she got away! And- and Lunar died too, Yandere just PEW PEW! ded..." Funneh frowned and tried to make it look like she was crying, Draco did too, "yeah and the police died to PEW PEW! ded.." Draco said, Rainbow put her hand on her hip, "Whatever, you trollers what really happened?" 

"Yandere got away!" "Lunar's after her.." "she will stop her teleportation powers" "and put her in jail.." Funneh and Draco swapped sentences, and smiled. Gold nodded, "no troll there.." Gold smiled, and walked out, "I am going to uh know because I have a class that starts in like thirty seconds..see ya!" Gold waved and quickly ran away, and didn't trip on her heels.

Rainbow frowned, "So guys..WHY DID YOU LET HER GO?" Draco and Funneh looked at each other then Rainbow, "Sorry Betty..see you later we got math!" Funneh ran under the doorway, " 'bet' " Draco said a pun. "What the-" they ran for math, the bell ringed. "How can they do their regular lives.." Rainbow paused when a teacher walked down the hall, "yep I'm going to class uh bye!" She ran away.

Still with my bad keyboard..sigh. Also: IT'S DRUCELLA DRACA'S STEPSISTER


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