Chapter 7

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Kat quickly ran up the dorm's stairs, "Gold! Yandere's having a sleepover, at...5 o'clock!" Funneh yelled, Gold smiled, "OH MY GOSH YES! I CAN'T WAIT!" Kim gasped, "I have to get ready!" Gold ran to her closet. Kat laughed, "I already got my stuff ready.." Gold stared at her phone, "why didn't Yandere-" BZZZ "oh..there it is Yandere's text.. EEK IT'S SO EXCITING! First party of the year!" Gold smiled at texted Yandere back.

"Guys..this mysterious number texted me," Rainbow came in Gold's room leaned her shoulder against the door, "'Sleepover at my house' then an address." Kat looked at Kim and Kim looked at Kat then they both smiled at Betty, "what?" Lunar's tapped Rainbow's shoulder, "This girl Yandere texted you for the first sleepover of the year..I think I'm gonna stay home.." Everyone flinched except Wenny when they all got a new text, "Please come everyone! I made extra snacks for any plus ones" 

"Isn't Yandere the best! So nice!" Gold said, "Lunar you will be my plus one!" Gold smiled as Prince texted her. Lunar had a suspicion of Yandere, "I'm declining your invite also, isn't Yandere a little sus? I mean no one's actually this nice right?" Betty stared at her gray eyed sister, "wrong! You just live in a competitive family." Rainbow said, Allen tapped Wenny's shoulder, also getting the text from Yandere., "Who in the living heck texted me for a fricking sleepover.." Draco looked at Funneh, "What? Oh, Yandere did! She's super nice right?" Draco smiled, "alright 'crept I'mma stay got this new friend—Evan—he's gonna teach me guitar!" Allen did an air guitar act for a few seconds. 

Lunar stared at him and found an excuse not to go, "ME TOO!" Lunar's smiled, "Uh Evan yeah! Guitar for me..too.." Allen frowned, "he didn't say anything about you be-" Lunar slapped a hand over his mouth, "-being beautifully, wonderfully, amazingly awesome!" Wenny said, she blew her teal hair out of her face. 

Draco went along with it, really confused, "yeah..lemme uh.." Allen texted Evan saying his older sister was gonna be there. Lunar grabbed Draco's making it look really sus, "come on Lil' bro!" She dragged him downstairs, "where is Evan's place?" Draco pointed his finger up, "right above us c'mon on!" Lunar did not know she had neighbors above her.

"Anyone thinking Lunar made that up as an excuse to be an introvert and not go?" Betty said, Kim and Kat laughed a little, "hehe yeah.." Kim replied, "come on let's pack pj's, extra snacks, and a little bit of prank things." Kat laughed, "Okay, okay let's go." 

Nothing to say except, I was at my grandma's house yesterday I couldn't post anything, sorry not sorry at all!

-Fellow KF member 

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