Chapter 5

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The plane ride was long and boring, but everyone was fine. They finally got to the yhs dorms. "Aah, dorm sweet dorm." Funneh and Gold said together as they had planned. They all walked in it wasn't big but not to small either. Kat immediately dibbed the biggest bedroom and Draco dibbed the second biggest, but they were all the same size so it didn't matter anyway. The Krew quickly unpacked in the matter of ONE WHOLE HOUR! (Pretty fast if you live in a family of 8 aka me).

Funneh grabbed the remote to the tv and watched YouTube, "first the worst!" Allen said, salty because he didn't get the tv. Kat smiled. Third one being finished was Lunar, she hopped over the couch and gave smug smile to Funneh, "'s that uh date?" Wenny said, Kat blushed, "what date..?" She said looking away. Lunar smiled, "the one with the red hair, how'd you say it in you contact? Heart heart Alec."  Funneh walked away not turning off the tv, "I have no idea what your talking about.." she said turning her red face.

Wenny laughed, "aah Stoopy Kat La leaving her pho~ne on the couch." Lunar turned on Funneh's phone and got her password, "HEY!" Kat yelled, Wenny continued, "aha! 'Wanna go on a date after classes?'" Lunar's said in a deep voice then changed it for Funneh's text, "'sure...' Blah blah, you get the point!" Lunar's droppd the iPhone on the couch, "sheesh your phone's confusing, Apple phones, am I right?" Wenny said, putting up her Android. 

Kat grabbed her phone and changed her password, so Lunar can't get in. Draco sat there watching the entire thing he ate a Doritos, "wait..FUNNEH HAS A BOYFRIEND!?" He coughed choking on his dorito, "ahem.." he cleared his throat then continued, "FUNNEH HAS A-". Funneh 'rudely' interrupted, "NO I DON'T!" Kat yelled, "It's just a date okay? It doesn't mean ANYTHING!" she slapped her hands on the kitchen counter. Wenny and Allen smiled at each other, "IT IS!" Funneh yelled, Rainbow ran down the stairs.

"Kat has a boyfriend?" She asked, "strange, thought Gold would be first." She sipped her cup of coffee. Funneh's face turned bright red, "oh my- ugh you guys are done! Your bad, your bad and your bad!" She pointed to Draco then Lunar then Rainbow. Then she sat on the high chair by the high counter, and rested her face on her hand and ate potato chips.

Gold came downstairs thirty minutes later, and said, "So Funneh, what about Evan?" She said sitting next to her younger sister and placed her hands on the table. Lunar looked at them, "Evan? I thought it was Alec...OH MY GOSH FUNNEH'S CHEATED ON HER BOYFRIEND-" ding dong

Funneh ran to the door, she fixed her hair and opened it, Lunar hopped over the couch. Funneh smiled, "ALEC! KYRAN!" Then hugged Alec arms around his neck, Wenny looked over at it, "Alec, Funneh's cheating on you!"Lunar said, Funneh stopped hugging him and looked at her, "With Evan!" Wenny smiled. 

"Sorry who are you again?" Alec said, Kyran pushed his phone in Alec's face, "Lunar3clispe! That girl I showed Evan." Alec softly shoved Kyran out of way, Gold ran to door, Kyran smiled and Gold smiled. Gold ran and hugged..PRINCE!" Kyran stared as he saw his brunettes haired crush walk over the blonde hair boy, "ugh.." Funneh gave Kyran a hug, "it is okay to be in the friend zone." Kyran's face turned bright red, "wait what?!" he exclaimed. Kat grabbed Alec's hand and showed him inside, "That is my older Rainbow, you already know Gold, younger sister Lunar and annoying Draco choking on chips.." Funneh looked at her younger brother and put her hand on her hip.

Draco smiled, "I am Draco, your brother-in-law!" He put put his hand, Funneh flicked his forehead, Alec grabbed his hand, "Fine to meet you," Allen and Alec grinned and Kat's face was red, "I am leaving.." she was about to walk upstairs when Alec grabbed her hand and looked at Draco, "it is a family reunion! Welcome to my turf brother!" Draco said and put an arm around Alec.

Gold walked inside holding Prince's hand annoying Kyran to the crisp. "So where's Senpai?" Gold said then whispered, "Rainbow's face turned red when I showed her a picture, hehe!" Betty looked at her hearing what she said, she ignored them and walked upstairs. "So Funneh, new style I see.." Prince said, looking at her up and down. Funneh nodded as her 'friend' Alec and brother Allen joke around.

"So Prince, same style I see.." Funneh said, smiling. Prince frowned, "no..I guess not." This guy takes jokes much to seriously. He fixed his blonde hair and blinked his blue eyes. Suddenly laughter came from outside, "Oh look at those ironing boards, Brittney!" Felicia Weiz the MOST annoying girl ever, she flipped her orange hair and walked inside their dorm with Brittney. "Ooh, look at this cutie!" Brittney said looking at Draco, "uh..." he said and froze, Funneh stared at Brittney, thinking who in the world would like this idiot..sandwich she giggle at her own joke. "BRITTNEY! DON'T COMPLIMENT THEM!" Felicia said Brittney frowned having no expression on her face "sorry Felicia Weiz." She said, as if this happened a lot.

Lunar noticed, and smiled a sympathetic smile. Brittney gave a soft smile at her, making Lunar feel happy she made some else feel good. Lunar could tell Brittney was suffering in the friendship she had with Felicia. Felicia smiled at Prince batting her emerald green eyes. Gold didn't notice when Prince smiled back, but Kyran sure did and now he was on the case.

Will Falec sail? Will Kold sail? Will Prince and Gold become official? Maybe yes Maybe no you'll never know..probably...

-Fellow Plebian

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