"Dammit-BACK US UP!!!" Sanemi yelled to the other pillars.

"Yeah, no thanks." Muichiro shook his head. He knew personally how strong Lefty was, and that he'd only gotten even stronger.

"You're both idiots." Shinobu remarked.

"No comment." Tomioka sheathed his sword.

"What the hell are you three doing!?" Yushiro in his cat form finally jumped from the treeline and galloped toward the three tangled fighters. "I specifically told Shinazugawa to guard the area until I got here with the antidote!" Yushiro yelled.

"You told me to kill her!!!" Sanemi yelled back.

"I told you to take care of her!" Yushiro retorted.

"Take care as in kill!!!"

"What? No, you fucking idiot! Take care in the literal sense, as in TAKE CARE of her!!!" 

"...Oh." Sanemi immediately calmed. But was immediately put on edge when he felt the tip of his sword being crushed in Lefty's grip.

"You're telling me...!" Lefty spoke in a violent, low snarl. 

"Oh, shit..." Giyu unsheathed his sword.

"That you almost killed her...!" The bulging veins on Lefty's body doubled as his blood pressure skyrocketed. 

"You've killed us all, Shinazugawa!!!" Shinobu yelled.

"Over a fucking misunderstand-" 

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" 

Lefty fizzed out immediately as Ume pushed past him to slap Sanemi in the face.

"You almost fucking murdered me because your stupid ass was so STUPID you thought 'taking care' of me meant to kill me!?" She screamed in his face.

"Ume..." Lefty spoke in a hushed murmur.

"I'm not done!!! You all fucking suck!!! Lefty's a great guy who's been doing nothing but 'protecting' you all from me for the last week! And this is how you treat him!?!?" Ume yelled at all of the Pillars.


"WHAT!?" Ume whipped around and screeched into Lefty's face.

"How... In the hell... Are you standing in the sunlight right now!?" Lefty waved his arms frantically.

"Oh..." Ume looked at the sun, then back at herself, then back at the sun. "Beats me." Ume shrugged. Lefty surveyed her body and saw that the black veins were beginning to fade. 

"The antidote's working..." Lefty muttered.

"We can go then, right?" Muichiro spoke up.

 "Ow... Oh shit, it's starting to hurt!" Ume yelped and rushed back inside as the sunlight began to hurt her skin.

"Not at a hundred percent, though..." Lefty chuckled.


Lefty met Sanemi with a death glare, but the Pillar lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry." Sanemi swallowed his pride and apologized. "This entire situation was my fault." He said.

"...Okay, odd of you to act like this..." Lefty muttered.


"That's more like it." Lefty chuckled. "Alright, we'll forget about this ever happening." Lefty decided and shook his hand. Sanemi was caught off guard when his hand gripped tightly, the pressure putting him on one knee. "But know that you would have died had Yushiro not shown up." 

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