Chapter 32: Lose Control

Start from the beginning

"Just hug me" I cried.

He wrapped his arms around me immediately and hugged me tightly. I cried against his chest.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked. I hugged him tighter and didn't say one word. Neymar stroked my hair gently and kissed the top of my head. I stopped crying after a while.

"What the hell? This is the ladies' room!" some high-pitched voice suddenly shrieked.

"Shut up and leave," Neymar said, dryly. It was a skinny blonde with way too much foundation on her face. She stared at him in disbelief and left the bathroom, looking a little scared. I wasn't in the mood to smile at all, but that made me smile automatically.

Neymar smirked and said, "Sorry, I had to."

He got a paper towel and wiped my tears.

"Tell me what's wrong," he asked, cupping my face.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, let's go," I said.

Neymar nodded and left it at that. I quickly fixed my face for the second time this night. I applied a fresh layer of lipstick.

"Ready?" Neymar asked.

I nodded and held his hand as we walked out of the bathroom.

"Shall I take you back to the hotel?" Neymar asked.

"No!" I exclaimed, startling him. "I don't want to go back," I said.

I pulled him to the bar.

"Olive, you are not drinking!" he protested.

"Do you want me to cry again or will you let me have a goddamn drink?" I yelled.

He looked startled at my response and didn't say anything. I ordered another strong shot and gulped it down. Neymar sat next to me with a worried look.

"A vodka Red Bull for him" I ordered.

"I don't want one," Neymar said.

I shrugged and gulped down another shot. Neymar sighed and sipped on his vodka Red Bull. I was slowly getting tipsy, which I loved. I had to forget everything...E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!

[ Neymar's POV ]

"Olive, listen to me. I don't know what happened, but please don't drown it down with alcohol" I sighed.

"Not interested in your parental advice! Let's get out of here" she said dryly.

I stared at her in disbelief.

"Are you coming or do I have to find someone else to leave with me?" she frowned as if she meant it.

I got up from the bar stool, and she took my hand and pulled me to the lift. We got in and she pushed the ground floor button.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked confused.

"Anywhere, the night is still young" she grinned.

The lift stopped and the doors slid open. She pulled me out of the building with her.

"Now we need a cab," she said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the hotel?" I asked carefully.

She shot me a mean look and waved wildly at a cab that was passing by.

"Stop!" she yelled and the driver seemed to listen.

"Yes!" she grinned and hauled me into the cab.

"Where to Miss?" the cab driver asked.

"To the best club in Córdoba," she ordered.

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