"Oh fuck you Mason! You didn't come to Chelsea for me! You came here for your fucking career so don't you dare make this about me! I didn't criticize you for going to Derby, I supported you and you can't even do the same?!" I lost it. How dare he make this about me? Okay I get that a long distance relationship isn't fun but it's my career we're talking about.

"So you don't even care what I think of the matter like usual?" He spatted in my face.

"Excuse me?"

"I told you not to go public with the whole jacob thing, you did. I told you to take the settlement, you didn't. I told you to just walk away and take the punishment, you didn't. Again. You never listen!"

"Because you were wrong!" I threw my arms in the air frustrated.

"Whatever Eleanore." He grabbed his keys again and walked to the door. I followed close behind him.

"Where are you going?!"

He turned around briskly after he had already opened the door.

"Out! Don't worry, unlike you I'm not leaving the country. I'll be back when I have calmed down." And with that he was gone. I shut the door with a bang and punched the door frame in the process.

Katie's pov:

"You guys want anything? I'm getting a refill?" I asked some of the girls who decided to go out with me tonight.

"Uhm water maybe I have been drinking all night and tomorrow we have practice." Beth being the responsible one said.

"Ooh komaan schat, let's have one more. It's only in the afternoon." Daan tried to convince her girlfriend, which seemed to be working.

"Alright, a beer." She caved. The others told me their drinks and together with Viv I was off to the bar. 

We had just ordered all of our drinks when something or rather someone caught my eye. On the dancefloor with what seemed to be a very strong drink in his hand, was Mason closely dancing with a blonde girl.

"Umh, isn't that Mason over there dancing with someone who is not our best friend?" I pointed to the dancefloor behind Viv? Viv looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"It can't be, he's supposed to be with Ellie that's why Leah, Beth and Daan are h-." She turned around and looked at the boy that I had just pointed out. When she saw him she stopped talking immediately.

"Yep, that's him." She said clenching her jaws.

"What should we do?" I looked at the dutchie, not sure what to do next. He was dancing, in my opinion, very inappropriately with someone who was not his girlfriend but in the end it was just that.

"Well first of all let's not tell the others because if they find out in particular Daan and Leah they'll kill him."

"Like they wouldn't kill us first for not telling." I scoffed at her.

"I know but one problem at a time. Secondly we keep a close eye on him."

When we had received our drinks, we went back to the girls. They took their drinks from us and continued their conversation without a care in the world.

"Babe!" Rue pushed me a little, diverting my look from the boy to my girlfriend.

"What are you looking at? Are you okay? You and Viv seem out of it."

Viv and I shared a look. Of course they would figure us out I mean come on its us!

"Mason's here." I blurted out. Viv slapped her hand over her head.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now