"Why is a cracker-ass white boy wandering around on our turf?" sneered the bigger guy.

"Your turf? Excuse me, I've been coming here for years. You must be new bitches who think of themselves as top dogs."

They both bristled. "Shut your fucking—!"

I dodged the closest guy's fists, then moved closer and kicked my leg up. I caught the back of his knees and promptly slammed my over twenty-pound backpack into his head. The bigger guy was sent toppling onto the other one, which made them crumple into a heap, I then kicked them between their legs while they were down. Their screams echoed in the hallway, so doors opened and other people started crowding around.

"Ha, you think you're going to get off for hurting us, you fucking white bitch?" sneered the smaller one.

I looked at Jerome Grant, the tenant across from Jackson. "Sorry for the noise."

He chuckled and draped an arm over my shoulders. "No problem, Teddy. I think it's amusing that these big guys get beaten by you."

Their faces were full of shock and horror when the tenants on this floor started ganging up on them and not me. I chuckled and patted Jerome's back. "How's the girlfriend?"

"She's hot as fuck as ever."

"I meant between you two, stupid." I pinched his side, which made him jerk.

"Geez, Teddy! It's going great."

"Good." I smiled, rubbing his stinging side. "Do you recognize those brutes?"

Jerome hummed and tapped Kayla's arm. "Excuse me, let me see them again."

"Sure, Jerry." She moved aside and came over to me. "Did they attack you?"

"Yeah, from behind while I was carrying food. I managed to get the bag to Callum before it was too late." I laughed, and she appeared to have a murderous expression.

"I'll fucking kill them!"

"Hey, hey, calm down." I chuckled, firmly holding Kayla back. "Nothing was damaged. If it makes you feel better, I'll bring a bag of cookies for you when I come over next time."

Her cornrows almost slapped me in the face as she whirled around and hugged me. "You're the best guy friend a girl can have!"

I chuckled and patted her back. "Gee, thanks."

Kayla backed off as Jerome came over. He had a disturbed expression on his face. "What did those guys say to you?"

"They were wondering why I was on their turf, making a comment on my skin tone for whatever reason."

"Oh, shit..." he hissed. "So the Black Vipers are back."

"Did they leave at some point?" I raised an eyebrow.

Jerome gently tugged me aside. "About fifteen years ago, the Black Vipers were in control of this half of town and had their fangs in the other half. After an important drug deal went haywire, they abandoned their turf and booked it out of here. We were sure they wouldn't come back."

"Huh, okay. So, what should I do?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"The gang's members will probably be on your ass until you stop coming to the 'black' part of town."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't care."

"This is serious!" he hissed. "They pack more than knives, Theodore."

I clenched my jaw. "I guessed that, but this place is like a second home to me. Fuck anyone else who says otherwise."

Jerome sighed and hugged me. "You're like a little brother to me, Teddy. Don't do anything stupid."

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