Lets talk

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Vaidehi's pov

"Meera..what happened?!" I asked worriedly. She didn't reply but walk to the dinning table and began to eat her food.

'Silent treatment!' I was now super worried about her.

"Just have some food and then take your meds!"


"Vaidehi...please! Just give me sometime!"

"Sure." I sat down next to her.


It was 8:50 pm and still he wasn't answering my phone.
Meera was doing the dishes after dinner.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes...but Karthik is not answering his phone...I am worried."

"Don't worry...I'll go and check on him...he lives 30 minutes away down the last street right?" She asked. "Hmm..I'll go and check on him."

"Can I come too?"

"No...don't worry I wouldn't fight with him!" She replied like she could read my thoughts

"You promise?"

"Sure...now lock the door and go to sleep...I'll take this spare key with me."


Meera's pov

Sometimes she worries too much but to be honest I am worried too.

As I walked out from the apartment I took out my phone and tired to call him but no use then suddenly I remembered something...and immediately I took out my other phone which I mostly use for work and switched on it.

For some reason I saw a missed call from an unknown number I call back to the number and after a few rings a man answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this the Agent Red?!"

"Who are you?!" I ask sternly.

"Hello sir...I am a PI." He replied confused by the system that I use to answer all my work calls. "Two days ago a man called me to find out about you—which I'd didn't take seriously but today he called me again and now he's on his way...to Delhi!"

"What's his name?" I enquired.

As he began to tell me my feet stop and I ran back to the apartment.

Karthik's pov

I had made up my mind that I'll do everything possible to find out what was going on with Meera? As I was about take a bus I felt a sudden pull and I fell backward.

"What's your problem?!" She yelled at me.

"I-I how did—

"Seriously?!" She gritted her teeth. "Why are you doing this?!"

"To know you better?!"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Come with me!" She said holding my wrist.

"No! I have to go!" I resisted and loosen her grip around my wrist.

She ignored me and kept on dragging me along with her.

"Don't you understand—I have to go!" I accidentally pushed her and she bumped into a man behind her.
"Well would you look at her?!" That very same man commented with a creepy smile.

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