With you

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Karthik's pov

After looking for her more than an hr I finally found her lying on park bench.

I walked to her before I could say anything—I noticed that she was asleep.
I carefully wrapped her with my jacket and carried her in my arms.

"Is she okay?!" Vaidehi bhabhi asked in worry.

"Yes...She's just asleep." I told her while I carried Meera to the room.

"Please don't take her word to heart. She didn't mean those words—

"I know bhabhi! I love her and I know she do too but she has her own things in her life.." I placed on her bed and pulled the duvet her and checked her temperature if she was okay. As I was leaving her side she held my wrist..while still being in sleep.

Meera's pov

I was running while it was pouring outside, my cousin Vaidehi was calling after me but I didn't respond to her and kept running suddenly I fell—hard on the ground my knee was now bleeding.

"Meera di! Are you okay?!" She inspected me while her tears of worry ran down her cheeks.

"No! Stay away from! I am not your di! (Sister)." I jerked her away from me.

"Then fine! I'll not call you di but you have listened to me!" She held my hand in anger and dragged me in the house. She ran in the hallway and brought first aid kit and cleaned my wound and then carefully bandaged it.

She didn't speak a word and then dried my hair with a towel even though her hair was also dripping with water. "I am sorry for yelling at you!" I broke the silence.

"It's okay...now go and change your clothes!" She instructed in a stern voice and I quietly followed her orders.

Even though she is 3 years younger than me yet some how she was mature than I was...she understood to me like big sister would...never in my life I had to tell her how I feel—because somehow she already knew. She also knew why I ran out of the house—it was because today should have been my birthday but it's also the day when I lost my mother...and after hearing all the taunts regarding her passing in my life I couldn't celebrate my own birthday as I felt so burdened—so I wanted to run from there—and go where no one knew me!

I still remembered on my 14th birthday I cried, putting my head in her lap while she console me with love and care...that day she became my big sister—my protector! And since that day i have nothing but respect and love for her.

I slowly opened my eyes. "Vaidehi?" I murmured but as soon as realized that it wasn't Vaidehi but Karthik...before I could say anything he immediately woke and cupped my mouth—and gestured me in a direction. I followed his gaze and saw Vaidehi sleeping next to me.

"Go back to sleep, Kashmeera. We will talk in the morning!" He whispered in my ear. "Good night, agent red!" He kissed my forehead before leaving and switching off the light.

I touched my forehead where he had kissed and felt his soft touch lingering.

"Why me?!" A lone tear spilled down my cheek.

Next morning I woke up a little late than usual and saw Vaidehi sitting at dinning table and Karthik cooking the kitchen.

"Bhabhi...anna is calling you." He immediately brought her phone which kept on kitchen counter.

"Hello?..yes..no...yes.." she looked serious as she answered the call.

"Is everything alright?" I approached her.

"Yeah...he's just tired and he's calling me to say "good night!" Because he's going asleep for two hrs."

"Oh." I replied blankly.

After two seconds of silence Karthik suddenly burst out of laughing.

"Classic anna...bhabhi can you ask how's dr Riya doing?!"

"Who's dr Riya?!" Vaidehi asked while still holding the phone.

"dehi..don't bother Emmanuel let him go to sleep..."

"Dr..who's Dr Riya?!" She said while walking in different room.

"Why the hell you said that?! You know na that she's pregnant?!"

"I was just kidding."

"Of course you were and who the hell is Dr Riya?!!"

"She's a junior Dr..she's very annoying and she has a little crush on anna since she joined." He brought the breakfast at table and placed a cup of tea in front of me. "You have you breakfast...I'll call bhabhi..."
He said.

Karthik's pov

As I was going to ask Vaidehi bhabhi to join us for breakfast...Meera held my hand.

"Wait!" She said.

I looked at her studying her move. "What's up?"

"Last night...you didn't have to come find me..but thank you."

"You don't understand, do you?"

She softly squinted her eyes a little as she studied me. "I believe that you don't understand...about anything." She gritted her teeth as spoke with anger but her eyes didn't match her words.

"I can't simply choose you...in order to do that I have to leave everything and I can't do it just to be with you!"

"Who said that you have to leave anything?! I will do anything to be in your life—even if I die—. In a flash she stood up from her chair and placed her hand on mouth.

"Don't!—don't you dare to say those words! Ever!"

'So after all...the stone hearted agent cares for someone like me!' I smiled staring into her eyes and she glanced at me bewilderingly.

"Be mine...I'll never dare to say anything you wouldn't like..."

"You wouldn't give on your fantasy...would you!?" She started. "You have no idea...what will our future...unlike Dr. Emmanuel's and Vaidehi...We'll never have anything normal...you'll be busy with doctorly duties and I'll be gone for days or months! There's a possibility that if something goes wrong...I'll never come back!"

"Stop!" I shouted and she flinched a little as she didn't expect me to react and honestly it surprised me too.

"Guys? What's going on?!" Bhabhi came from other room.

"Nothing i am going back to my place. Bhabhi I'll send you your medicine!" I removed my apron and placed it on the dinning chair and went in my room, messily packed my things before heading out I collected one more thing a diary which might help to solve real mystery behind Meera's rejection.

"Karthik...at least have some breakfast."

"Bhabhi I have to go.." I replied immediately.

"I'll not give up on you..and on us, Dr. Kashmeera Rawat!" I whispered before leaving.

To be continued...

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