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Karthik's pov

"Bhabhi..what's going on?" I asked as I approached her.

"I don't know..I think he's upset from me." Her voice sounded gloomy.

"I don't think he's upset from you...he's just overwhelmed."

"Perhaps..." she looked deep in her thoughts.

"Okay bhabhi..I'll see you in the morning. You take rest—

"Wait—I need tell you something!" She immediately said and stopped in my way.

"I know that Meera met you five years ago in Mumbai—she told me the day when we all went to her house.."

I remembered that day when she held me by my collars and called me 'stupid Karthik'.

"What did she tell you?"

"She told me you were drunk?"

"Yes.." I said feeling a little embarrassed.

"Had you have gotten drunk before..?"

"Umm yes since..after amma passed away.."
I paused for a moment as i tired to not remember that day. "Is there anything else specific she told you about?"

"Umm no."

"Oh." I replied not knowing what to say further in our conversation.

"But you can ask her...just say I want her to tell you everything." She said in a low voice.

Emmanuel's pov

"She told me you were drunk?" I stopped in my way as I heard my wife talking to my brother.

"Yes."  I heard him reply.

"Had you have gotten drunk before..?" She asked again now with at most patient tone.

"Umm yes since..after amma passed away.."

I felt tears coming from my eyes as i couldn't imagine what he had gone through while I wasn't not here.

I opened the door and they both looked at me.

"Anna..Umm..I'll see you guys in the morning." I watched him go.


"I am sorry." I stated meaning every word. "Yelling at you..and making you doubt yourself.." I glanced at her—her amber eyes looked at me with tears spilling from it which made my heart ache.

" don't have to apologize—

"I have to.." I scurried to her and took her hand in mine. "and please don't ever waste your precious tears like this." I inched my face close to her and kissed her tears away.

"Every time I see tears in your eyes.." I kissed another tear as she stood while closing her eyes. ".. it makes my heart pain." I stopped myself as I noticed how close we were—we both stared at each other with unspoken words and before I could blink she kissed me tiptoeing on her feet as she tried to reach to my height.

I chuckled at her cutest struggle and picked her up without breaking our kiss.

'Our first kiss!' I smiled as our lips brushed with each other's .


In the morning I went to daadi's room to check on her before I joined everyone in dinning hall.

I stopped in my way when I saw Mr. Agarwal coming downstairs.

"Anna where's bhabhi?" Karthik asked while taking a small bite his food.

"Upstairs talking to Meera." I replied. "I- I am done." I stood up from my chair as soon Mr. Agarwal walked toward the dining table.

"But Anna—

"Stop Abhiram! I need to talk to you!" I froze at my place.

"I know you are angry with me—and I am sorry—

"-Angry?!" I chuckled turning toward him. "No Mr. Agarwal I am not angry with you! So don't worry." I smiled and started to walk upstairs.

"Then why are you behaving like this?!"
I didn't respond and continued to walk upstairs.

"Please beta..forgive your dad." His voice sounded too vulnerable as he spoke.

" 'Beta'? Wasn't I dead for you?! Then how can you call me your son!"

"Dr!" Vaidehi gasped as she heard me yell at my father.

"Karthik, Vaidehi pack your bags we're leaving. Daadi is feeling alright soon as this Covid situation gets under control we will take her with us. But for right now we have to leave!"

I looked at him for a brief moment and held Vaidehi's hand leading her in the room.

Vaidehi's pov

"Dr..dr..I think you should talk to him..your dad needs you.." I tried to stop him.

"Need me?...where was he when I lost my mother...where was he when I was going through everything in my life by myself without his guidance?!" He let go of my hand and stopped in his way. "Oh..right..he was right there at that spot...blaming me for my own mother's death!" My heart clenched in my chest as he pointed toward his dad and everyone stood from their chairs. His dad looked heart broken realizing the gravity of his actions and words.

I walked toward him but he took a step backwards.

"I am not done yet..."

I stopped in my place.

"Seven whole years! I have spent thinking that it was my fault!"

"Anna.." Karthik hurried upstairs. "It wasn't your fault!.." he hugged him immediately this was the first time I ever saw them hugged.

I glanced back at his dad who was watching his sons.

'Maybe it is too late?! no!..'

"Dr. I need to talk to you!" I took a deep breath.

"dehi.." I took his hand and led him in the room.

"I have to tell you something!"

He watched me, solemnly.

I closed the door behind us as soon as we entered our room.

"As you know I have already met Mr. Agarwal..." I began referring to his dad. "Five years ago...I saw him fainting and I ran to help him.." dr looked at me with concerned for his dad. "..even though his eyes were closed and he wasn't fully awake—the only think he was saying—asking to forgive him."

"You are you lying?!" He held me by my shoulder gently as he demanded reassurance.

"Nope—he even told how he lost his elder son—because of his anger and pain..he said something his son—whom he loved the most." Tears started to spill as I remembered that day.

"I-I can't just forgive him like that!" He said.

"Don't then—take your matter what— I am with you." I intertwined my hand with his. "We'll leave first thing in the morning." I glanced up at him with small reassuring smile.

To be continued..

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