Too soon

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Karthik's pov

"Karthik bhaiya, what's her name?" Kavya one of my cousin, asked hinting to Vaidehi bhabhi.

"Vaidehi.." I replied taking a bite of an apple.

"Bro..her eyes are they real?!" Rohit, Kavya's older brother asked.

"Yes..why?" I looked at them.

"Where did he find her?!"

"Look guys! Be respectful..she's our sister-in-law! He didn't find her..they were brought together by destiny!" I stood up from the dining table.

"Karthik...what happened?!" Pallavi di asked coming from the kitchen.

"These brats are being annoying usual—anyway I'll go see daadi.." I excused myself and headed straight to her room.

I stopped in my way when I saw bhabhi glancing at a photo in the hallway.

"That's our dad..and amma!" She got startled when I said out of nowhere.

"O-oh ..Umm" she stammered like she wanted to ask something.

"What is it bhabhi?"

"Karthik...I think I have seen him." She pointed at the picture of my dad.

"Maybe in business magazines or news?" I shrugged.

"No...5 years ago—

"—Vaidehi..can I have a word with you?" Anna said coming from behind.

"Excuse me, Karthik." She said before walking away.

"Bhabhi..wait! What were you saying...5..years ago?!" I hurriedly walked behind her.

"I'll tell you later!" She replied politely.


Vaidehi's Pov

"Dr. What did you want to say?"

"Tomorrow my dad is coming here..things are going to be a bit awkward and tensed if we stayed here..around 6 km is my friend's house we can go there.." he fidgeted with his hands.

I walked toward him and took his hand in mine. "I know how you are feeling? But I think we should stay..since we came here for daadiji...and right now she needs you...did you hear what Pallavi di was saying that daadi felt better after she met you. It means she was missing you...and if you being here makes her happy..then I think we should stay." I looked into his eyes, placing my hand on his cheek softly. And he slowly grabbed my wrist kissing my hand lovingly.

"Bhaiya and Bhabhi..please come downstairs for dinner!" Kavya yelled from other side of the door.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes!" He said with an annoyed look on his face.

"What's so funny?!" He chuckled when he saw me smiling.

"Your face.." I blurted out while laughing at his reaction.

"Oh really?" he pulled me close—our nose were touching...i slowly closed my eyes as he came closer to me.

"I think we should go downstairs.." I said distancing myself from him but in a swift motion he pulled me back. "Not yet." He came closer and pressed his lips on my cheek and I blushed glancing at him.

"Now we can go.." He took my hand in his as we walked together.
'He was just teasing me!'


"You can talk to her later but right now  let's go downstairs and have dinner!" Dr. interrupted him.

I wondered what he wanted to ask me...I mean I wasn't 100% sure that..that the person in the photo was the same person I had met 5 years ago on my trip to Mumbai.

"But's important like really important.." Karthik argued.

"dehi what is he talking about?!"

"Umm...well..Karthik how about we talk tomorrow." I said.

'If I meet their dad in person then I can decide if he's the same person I met 5 years ago or not?.'

"Okay bhabhi." He left without saying another word.

"What's up with him?"

"Umm nothing let's go everyone must be waiting!" I replied hiding my nervousness.

Emmanuel's pov

After dinner I went to see daadi but she was already asleep so I quietly went back to my room.

"Dr. How's daadi?"

'"Dr" feels like I am back in hospital..not that it's a bad thing..I mean I love my work and all...but I when with her I just want hear my name..'

I immediately walked to her and pulled her close to me. "Dr— I placed my finger on her lips shushing her.

"Why do you call me that? I agree there was a time when I was your dr...but now things have changed ..we are a couple please call me by my name.." I tugged her hair strand behind her delicate earlobe and noticed her amber eyes looking at me with unknown desire.

"I—I—.she shuttered nervously.
"Just say what ever you like to call me...apart from dr!" I added.


"Anna!" I heard Karthik knocking on the door.

Vaidehi immediately opened the door.
" is here."

I froze in my place for a sec.

"But wasn't he supposed to come tomorrow?!" I asked.

"Umm yeah..but he just showed up..Agastya Bro is with him."

"Agastya?" I narrowed my eyes.

"So Anna are you coming?"


To be continued..

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