An arival

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Meera's pov

So many things were going on mind as I was leaving the hospital. He didn't even try to stop me and some reason it bothered me.
'I guess he doesn't like me even a bit!' I thought.

Awhile later I felt my phone ring and I picked the call.

"Hello dad?"

"Meera..can you visit Vaidehi she's not feeling good?!"

"On my way, dad. I will take a flight!" I said and immediately cut the call.

'I need to get there as soon as possible.' I thought as I tried to call a cab.

And after 30-45 minutes the cab came and I stepped in and the driver drove away to the airport. I bought my ticket online and showed it at the entry gate.

After 2 hrs flight I reached at Dehradun airport and from there it took me an hr to reach at Vaidehi's.


"Vaidehi! Open the door!" I knocked profusely as I was worried about her.

Vaidehi's pov

"Meera! What—how.." I stammered as I wasn't expecting her.

"Are you sick?!"

"Y-yes just bit nauseous and stomach ache."

"Let's go —get ready, we are going to hospital!" She said putting her luggage down as soon as she entered the house.

"Meera..Meera! Calm down!" I said. "Why don't you get fresh and then we can talk?" I added.
She stared at me tiredly. "But..

"No if and no but, just go and take a shower, get fresh and take rest then we will talk."

I showed her the bathroom and gave her fresh towel and cloths before heading to the kitchen to make her something to eat.


After awhile she came and joined me for dinner and I served her—her favourite dish.

When we were finished eating she helped me to wash the dishes. "How are you feeling Vaidehi?" She asked while soaping the dishes. I was feeling very weird inside as I didn't know how to answer her.

But then I gathered some courage and told her. "I am pregnant."
A tray fell from her hands and shattered into pieces on the marbled floor.

"I am sorry...did you say something?" She closed the water tap and wiped her hands on the kitchen towel.

I felt jitters as I repeated my words again. I still remember how I had find out about and how I got scared and happy at the same time—which was almost a week ago.

"Did you tell Emmanuel?!"

"No I couldn't...especially knowing that he's out there treating people in this will only make him worried about me."

"You will never change, will you?!" She sternly said and hugged me.

Meera's pov

16 days later

Today I woke up early than Vaidehi and made her some healthy breakfast. After that I checked emails for my work (as professor/dr). 

"You are awake?!" She said in surprise and why wouldn't she be as I am not an early bird but rather a night owl.

"Yes I am and there's breakfast at the dining table. Please have it and then get ready we are going to a clinic for routine check up. I have made an appointment for you!"

"Okay. Did you have something?"

"Yes," I replied before I focused back to my work.


Since it's still pandemic, we had wait outside the clinic for half hr in a social distance directed line until it was our turn.

I talked to the dr. and told them everything about how she was feeling. They ran some tests and told us that they will email all the details regarding it.

As we returned home and I opened the door I was surprised when I saw him!


"You too!" He smiled which made my heart flutter a bit.

"Karthik!" Vaidehi came running but I held her. "What are you doing here?!"

"This my anna and bhabhi's place so I can come whenever I want to, isn't that right?!"

"Of course— she trailed off when I glanced at her.

"Stop scaring her with your stern look!"

"Shut up stupid Karthik!"

"Meera be nice." She slightly hit my arm.

"Alright! But still what are you doing here?"

"I heard that bhabhi wasn't feeling well so I took off from work and did a Covid test before coming here after staying in quarantined for a fortnight, anyway how are you feeling now?"

"Good!" She grinned.

"She wasn't ill, she's..." I looked at for her approval before I say anything and in response she nodded.

"She's expecting." His eyes lit up like lights in darkness while he smiled brightly without saying a word and suddenly he hugged me. "I am so happy!"

I noticed Vaidehi staring us with a shocked look but slowly she smiled softly which I couldn't figure out why?!

"When you guys are done call me?!" She giggled and left.

I pushed him away from me and followed  Vaidehi to her room.

'God knows what she must be thinking of us?!'

To be continued ...

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