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Emmanuel's pov

"Where is Vaidehi?!" I asked in fury.

"She was discharged...and we don't know where she is now?!"

I walked out of the hospital whilst removing my PPE..followed by masks so I can breath the fresh air in order to calm down myself.

I felt anxious when I thought about her well being... the lockdown wasn't even over yet...and god knows where she was wondering in city. Alone!

"Neelam If there's an emergency, only then call me until then please do not disturb." I said.

"Okay Doctor!"

I walked a little far from the was almost evening time, yet she was nowhere to be seen.


That moment when I saw her sitting on a bench in a deserted park. For me everything that moment the only person that I wanted to find, was her and her only. I was at ease when I saw her..

"Vaidehi!" I called her almost running to her. She stood up from the park bench and gazed up at me.

"Doctor?!!" She took few steps towards me.

" recognized me?" this was the first time she was seeing me without any masks and PPE.

"It's just because of your voice..mostly." She smiled.

"Oh." I paused for a moment. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm the hospital staff told me that I can go—

"And you just followed their orders just like that?!" I tried to keep my calm. "I was supposed to discharge you! They couldn't  do anything without my permission—since you are my patient!"

"I didn't know..they told me that their senior doc had told them to prepare my discharge papers."

I sighed in dismay.

"You are coming with me...okay?" I said waiting for her confirmation.


"My place..I don't live there much...since Covid started most of the time I just stay in hospital. You can live there as much you like." I said hoping that she'd stay, because I can't even think, where will she go in this situation...where..there is no means of transportation or any place to stay..since all hotels are mostly booked..because of country wide lockdown due to the pandemic..all in all everything is closed.

"Will you stay at your place..when you'll be not staying at hospital?"

"Ummm yes but don't worry I have two room in my apartment..Even when I would come to stay most of the time you wouldn't see me..." I tried to explain.

"So?" I asked.

"Okay...thank you Doctor sahab..I really appreciate your help." She said walking towards me but I take few steps away.

She looked at me a little taken back by my action.

"I am sorry...but I can't come near to you.. "social distancing" you know?"

"Ohh....right!..Neelam ji had told me about that...sorry!" She implied.

"No problem..and your welcome, Miss Vaidehi." I replied with a smile.

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