Secret life

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Meera's pov

Few weeks later

I stared at my phone for more than a minute. It was my dad calling. I closed my eyes for a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Agent Red! Focus!" Agent Grey spoke through the Bluetooth.

"Sorry sir!"

"No problem! Now focus Red!"

I took a sharp breath under my mask and adjusted my PPE before heading toward the office of head of the most influential hospital in the country; who is hiding something big and I am here to find out that.

"Hey Miss! Stop!" A familiar voice echoed from behind.

I stopped and composed myself before I faced that person.

"Why are headed toward Dr. K. Sehgal's office?!"

"I was called by him." I confidently looked at him.


"You!" I repeated his words.

"What are you doing here?!!" We both said in unison.

'I can't work on my mission if he's here!

"I am a dr. as you know...and I work here!"

"You got transferred?" I tried to be calm not letting him see my emotions.

"Y-yeah." He looked anxious.

"You didn't answer what are you doing here?!" His brown eyes scanned up and down at me.

"I think you are forgetting that I am a psychologist and—

"—so are here for that case."

'Case?!' I didn't know there was a case. or any case for that matter?

"Agent Red. I just saw news relating to the hospital—there's a case of a young girl who's been in a devastating accident." Agent Grey said with evident heaviness in his voice.

"I have a plan. I'll use some of my connections in the hospital. Just stay alert and stay safe!"

Karthik's pov

Few weeks ago I got transferred to Delhi. I didn't like that idea of leaving my Anna's side.
Even so, I was too nervous to work in this hospital, I have heard many great things and there are some bad things as well about it.

Last night my pager rang with one of the bad news of my career. I was summoned immediately in paediatric ward to get to know about a kid who went under a horrible and terrifying situation. It enraged me.

And right now I am headed toward the roof top to calm my emotions in peace.

Suddenly I felt something, I looked ahead of me and saw a person walking toward head's office.

"Hey Miss! Stop!" I stepped toward her.

She stopped and turned around.

"Why are headed toward Dr. K. Sehgal's office?!"

"I was called by him." Her voice was too familiar to be not recognized.

"You!" I noticed her dark eyes widened.

"You!" She repeated my words.

"What are you doing here?!!" We both said in unison.

"I am dr. I work here!" I replied sternly.

"You got transferred." She said while being her usual self.
"Y-yeah." Suddenly I felt uneasy as I thought about that kid.

"You didn't answer what are you doing here?!" I composed myself.

"I think you are forgetting that I am a psychologist and—

"—so are here for that case." It struck me then.

"Yes! But I need to have a word with..

"Just don't go now. He's not there and the office is locked."

Suddenly my pager beeped.
'Oh no!' I ran and she followed me.

"Dr. She's not responding well. She just had an episode."

Her breathing were now becoming shallow and her body temperature wasn't stable.

"Aisha..listen to me! You have to fight!" I noticed Meera clasping her hand in hers.

"Who is she?!"

"She's the psychologist we were expecting to join today." I said while examining Aisha.

"But she doesn't have her ID."

"We don't have time for this! Please shift Aisha to the OT. She needs surgery asap!"

Meera's pov

I felt my heartache for that little girl who was now fighting for her life.

Internally I had made my mind to protect her at any cost! Even though I have a mission to carry out.

"How's she?!" I asked a nurse coming out of the OT.

"She's out of danger but mentally she's going through a lot."

A tear unknowingly escaped from my eye and I quickly wiped it; when I saw Karthik walking out from there and heading toward in opposite direction.

I followed him and he went  upstairs; suddenly I was worried about him!

"Kar— I stopped in my way when he knelt down on the roof while staring at the rainy sky.

I watched him from far as I didn't want to interrupt him.

Few days later

So far no one has suspected anything; which means I can work on my mission without any hindrance.
I slowly made my way toward the office and opened it with lock password, which took me barley a minute and that was my intention.

"Agent Red! According to our source the file that contains that secret is kept in some locker. So be careful! It might have some kind of sensor or alarm in it."

"Got it! Thanks for the heads up!"

I scanned through the office room while taping the walls as I couldn't find it in their.

Then suddenly I felt that the wall was hollowed. I quickly removed a painting that was slightly covering up the wall and discovered a safe.

'Code locked! Damn it!' My heartbeat fast.

'Think Meera!' I rambled in my head.

Until I felt someone heading toward the office.


To be continued..

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