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Warning-contains imagery of a breakdown

This chapter takes place prior to the events in One of The Guys

Suguru's POV(Past)

"Satoru..." I grumble checking the time for the fifth time. "How long is she going to be in the fucking shower." I was already running behind. Satoru looks up from his phone and shrugs then goes right back to scrolling. I take a deep breath and decide to try and knock again.

"Y/N!! What are you doing in there?! I'm going to have to use cold water by the time you're done!" I bang on the door and shout. She does not respond and suddenly my anger turns to something else. By now she would have been cussing me out and walking out to flick my forehead for interrupting. My chest suddenly felt like it was constricting. "Y/N..." my voice lowered as I contemplated my next move. Is she ok...

I paused at the door but the fear I felt pushed me forward. I run in now seriously concerned. The image I saw before me caused a deep pain I had never felt before.

Y/N was crouched, her body bent forward and her forehead against the tub sobbing. "Suguru... please don't look at me like this... I- look pathetic!" Through her tears she begged me to leave. Her body trembled. "I'll be ok..." Her voice shook yet she couldn't look me in the eyes. "Just give me a few more minutes."

"I can't leave you like this y/n." I hurry to the water, shutting it off and grabbing her towel. "You're not alone anymore." I felt my voice crack with emotion seeing her in this state. Does she always cry in the shower... I quickly wrap the towel around her. "Wrap your arms around me ok sweet girl."

She sobs harder and nods. Y/N was always so strong both mentally and physically. Tonight her grasp around my neck was so weak. "You don't have to hide this from me." I whisper and she buries her face into my shoulder.

"What is happening?" Satoru was now in the doorframe with a look of disbelief on his face as I carried her.

"It doesn't matter. She needs us." I say sternly and Satoru gives me a knowing look leaving us space. Our Y/N does not cry... she freezes... she disassociates... or runs... but this... I felt almost helpless as if her tears were contagious.

I tightly grasped her against me as I entered her room. Satoru ran in like a maniac with his hoodie, a pair of shorts and water. "I know you don't want to move so bare with me as I change you ok?" I whisper into her ear and she nods, rubbing her face into my chest.

Carefully I set her down and gently configured her body as I pulled the hoodie over her head and body. She gave me no resistance. The sobbing was now small whimpers. Each strangled noise from her lips squeezed my heart painfully. "Shh... you will be alright..." I soothed her as I finished dressing her. "You want us to stay with you?"

Satoru sat at the edge of the bed next to me. I glanced over and he looked devastated. I saw tears in the corner of his eyes as he looked down at her. "If you need space we understand treasure." Satoru mumbled, he kept his distance from her as if he was nervous. I didn't blame him; this was something we had never witnessed before with Y/N.

I feel her grasp my arm, "Stay please." Her soft plea is heard throughout the quiet room. I was completely ruined by such a simple statement. I felt the urge to burn the world to ash if it made her smile even for a second. I laid back against the bed and pulled her up to cradle her to my chest. Satoru crawls over and cuddles the side of her body as I run my finger through her scalp. I continue muttering reassurances as her cries grow quieter.

Time seemed to have froze in place and no one felt the need to speak. Her trembling had finally stopped and I inhaled a heavy breath. "I'm sorry... I..." Her voice sounded so small and I shook my head.

"Never apologize for this y/n." My thumb traces her cheek and her eyes flutter close. "I do believe it was you who held my hand when I went through a dark time right..." A small smile appears on her face as she agrees.

"He was such a drama queen about it too. This is nothing." Satoru says and I glare at him. Then I heard her laugh and I was so relieved. "We love you y/n. We stick together and have each other's back no matter what!" I don't normally agree with Satoru. I often mess with him by bringing up his entitlement but getting her to show a happy emotion I easily forgive his quirkiness. This was our dynamic after all.

I don't remember falling asleep smushed together on her bed. I guess the sense of security and safety we had created allowed my mind to drift, drawn in by the comforting warmth of her soft body against me. For a small moment in time I got a sense we all felt what we craved growing up, a sense of love and belonging. My dreams were vivid and colorful. Such a scary situation turned into something beautiful.

The next morning I was shaken awake by Satoru who looked startled that Y/N was absent from bed. We both quickly rushed into the living room in search of her.

We were greeted by her beaming grin as she shouted her good mornings. Mugs of espresso already made and set on the coffee table.

"So I thought we could all just be lazy and watch some of our favorite series together?" That somber tone was now completely gone from her voice. Her eyes no longer puffy and red from the tears.

Satoru makes a beeline for the sofa, tossing his phone away and tackling Y/N onto the couch, both of them giggling. I stand and take a glance at my own phone seeing missed calls and texts asking where I was last night. And another invitation to a party tonight. "Suga?" Y/N calls out hopeful.

I knew she wouldn't be willing to talk about what happened last night. She always seemed so put together and my mind raced trying to piece everything together. I did know one thing. I didn't want to be away from her right now. I turn my phone off. "I guess I can miss this awesome party." I grumble to keep up my facade and she rolls her eyes.

"Please we are way cooler than anyone else you hang out with." She chimes in as I make my way to sit on the other side of her.

"Please, when have you ever been cool?" I tease, crossing my arms and reclining back. I hear her scoff.

"Fuck you bro!" She growls and I'm suddenly attacked as she flicks my forehead. I glare at her as she smirks up at me. I was so glad I recognized her again. That's my Y/N...

(I wrote this in dedication to those of us who cry in the shower because we don't feel safe to show emotion anywhere else. To those who imagine being comforted by our comfort characters. We got this! 💗)

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