Treat You with Respect

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Lily the receptionist was currently melting into a gushing puddle as she observes the consequences of when your friends piss you off. The guys in the shops mouths were hanging open in shock. And you were grinning ear to ear, trying to contain your villainous laughter.

"Ok the roommates have all kissed and nothing has changed. Get to fucking work!" Suguru shouts he glares over at you and you wink. His frown holding a small smirk at the corner. Satoru was teasing everyone, asking if they were jealous and wanted a kiss as well. You knew that something was off but seeing this made you feel like you guys were going to be ok.

"Well I have a dinner to get to!!" You shout and both men turn around at record speed.

"What?! With who?!" They both shout at the same time and the shop grew silent.

Your eyebrows raise in confusion. They never asked about your plans in detail in the past. They both looked just as shocked as you did.

"A friend..." you mutter still not sure how to respond. Suguru was the first to gain his composure.

"We'll have fun!" He says as Satoru started walking towards you. Suguru grabs the back of his shirt and yanks him backwards. "Tell her to have fun and shut up."

Satoru looks like he wants to protest but his face falls. "Have fun y/n." He whispers but his eyes still pleaded for something. What that something was you were unsure. Within minutes the shop was buzzing with its usual business. You were still frozen at the door, you pause for a bit then exit.

You had texted Nanami at some point in the day to tell him what happened. He felt like it was his fault. He pleaded for you to allow him to treat you to dinner it was the least he could do. You have never really associated with men who attempted to take responsibility for something, it was strange. You eventually agreed. Due to your roommates odd reaction your thoughts were a jumbled mess as he pulled up to pick you up.

You felt even worse when you opened the door and he was dressed to impress. You look down at your torn jeans and plain snug t shirt. "Hey... Umm I am thinking I am way underdressed... sorry about that." You mutter as you let him in.

"Ooo please no. I didn't exactly tell you to dress a certain way." He stutters a bit standing nervously between the door and the living room. You then suddenly crack up into a loud gut wrenching laugh and he looks at you oddly.

"I guess dinner means two different things to us!" You gasp out and you watch as he goes from confused to amused, a smile now decorating his face.

"I think your right. My apologies. Look wherever you would like to go is fine with me." He says and you smile at him.

"I swear your a good dude Kento! Hmmm..." you place your hand on your chin in thought, you feel him watching you. You look up and find him studying you, you clear your throat and he jumps back a bit. "How about some sushi at this bar I know. It's like a good mix between nice but not two nice. I think we will both fit in." You say and he gladly agrees.

You are currently trashed as you hold out another shot for Nanami who stares at it nervously. "Ooo come on be a good boy." You tease. He takes a breath and downs the shot. "Fuck yeah!" You shout smacking his shoulder and he laughs. He continues conversing and you try your best to pay attention, nodding at the appropriate intervals.

"And then the spaceship exploded and cows fell from the sky!" He says and you backtrack.

"Wait! What the fuck?" You laugh and he grins at you.

"I didn't want to bore you and you seemed a bit unfocused. So I spiced up my story a bit." He says smirking. You were floored. You were used to men losing their shit when they notice you have spaced out and the fact he still maintained such a calm presence was unusual to you.

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