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The women surrounding Suguru shriek in fear as they notice a fight about to start. You cling onto Satoru's waist with as much strength as you could muster. "What's going on Suga?" You hear one of them ask.

"A rich people thing... I don't know." He slurs his words shrugging. You are struggling to keep your hold on your white haired friend as you continue to hear Kento chuckle softly

"Suga!!!! Come get him you fucking drunk bastard! And Kento shut the fuck up for a second!" You shout aggressively your gaze shooting daggers at Suguru.

"Excuse me ladies. My homies need me!" He says sarcastically as he gets up and grabs Satoru by the back of his shirt collar. "Hey buddy! Your killing the vibe. Sit your ass down and drink."

Kento falls silent at your demand. You see in his eyes a bit of embarrassment for losing his composure. "I apologize. I am not sure what over came me." He whispers in disbelief as you sit him down at the bar. 

"Y/N! Pretzels and cheese heading your way soon!" The bartender shouted from the other end of the bar and you bow to him in thanks.

"I can't believe I let a Gojo get under my skin. And the worst one at that...." You watch as Kento runs his fingers through his hair in thought.

"Seems your having a bad day. I'm sorry Kento." You whisper passing him a beer. You frown at how much he was effected.

"No sweetheart. Please don't apologize. His carefree antics have always been annoying. When he said you were theirs... Toji mentioned how you were his girl... the pink haired guy so enamored by your presence... I guess all my pent up anxiety and stress bubbled over." He lets out a breath as he sips the cold bottle. "I am sorry."

"Kento you are not letting yourself release those feelings. I get it. I can do the same thing at times. But I don't think you have ever let off steam.  You are probably secretly jealous that Satoru is able to be so nonchalant and worry-free. This was just the physical manifestation." Kento looks at you funny when you mentioned him being jealous.

You can see him processing your words as he continues to drink. "Your not wrong. I work 24/7 to make sure my company is successful. I hear the gossip about your friend. Wild parties with nothing but sex and drugs. He gets to live however he wants and his company still produces." He begins to say and you smile at the bartender when he sets down a glass of bourbon on the rocks.

"He gets whatever he fucking wants and it feels like he does nothing to deserve it. Then I find out the one woman who helps me to explore outside of the office is close with him." You listen intently as he has a bit of a break down next to you.

You take his hand in yours and he looks over at you, his eyes were full of hurt. You hated that you were so empathetic, no matter how tough you acted. "Kento... you deserve to experience life as well. I have known Satoru since college. He goes through the exact same feelings. The constant pressure from family. But unlike you he had Suguru and myself to get him through it. Sure he is a bit selfish but everyone should be from time to time. You need to find a healthy support system. You can't use me as your only source of friendship."

"Honestly I think if you two could get past whatever petty rivalry you have going on; Satoru could use a friend like you. Teach him to reign in his crazy ways a bit. And he could teach you how to let loose every now and then." You say and you felt relief when you see him grin. The pretzels arrive and you quickly pick one up, dip it in a glob of cheese and hold it up to him. He laughs as he takes it from you and places it in his mouth. "Huh?! Good right?!"

"So good! I have never let myself eat junk food but this is fantastic." He says as if he had a major revelation. You both share the basket, no one talked just enjoyed the greasy treat. You sneak a glance over at your best friends. Suguru seemed to have been able to calm Satoru down. He was currently flirting with the giggly fan club that had joined them. You would occasionally see a few of them eye Kento in interest. You grin mischievously similar to the Cheshire Cat.

"Another beer Kento?" You ask innocently and he nods. You lift your arm and the bartender winks in your direction in acknowledgment. Maybe you could help him really relieve his stress, there were enough willing admirers. He was attractive there was no denying it.

The bottle is slid in your direction as you shout for a couple shots. A few seconds later four shot glasses sit in front of you. "Cheers to a better night sir!" You say and he chuckles as he clanks the small cups. You both make a face as the liquor burns on its way down.

You praise whoever created alcohol as you witness Kento and Satoru singing karaoke together. Suguru sits beside you shaking his head in embarrassment but you could tell he enjoyed it as well.

"You look pleased with yourself." Suguru whispers into your ear. His breath tickling your neck causing you to swallow hard.

You shrug, "I mean when your good your good. What can I say." He rolls his eyes and you grab his shoulder shaking him slightly. His eyes go wide at your sudden outburst. "Come with me!!!" You shout standing up in a hurry. He looks at you questioningly but follows you outside.

"Look at how beautiful she is!!" You say gesturing to the car you had driven. His face lights up and he walks around to get a glimpse at all angles.

"You got to drive this?" He asks his mouth agape in shock. "She is breathtaking."

You skip over, place your hand on his chin, "close your mouth. Drool is going to escape." You laugh and he smiles at you brightly. "Get in! Just for a bit. You have to feel it."

You both get into the car and you grin over at him as you put the key in the ignition. "Are you ready for this?"

"Fuck... don't tease me! Just do it." He groans in anticipation. You bite your lip and turn the key. The engine assaults your ears and the vibration travels through you. You glance over at Suguru and he is in a state of euphoria. "Holy shit that was sexy as hell." He shouts.

"Right!!!! I knew you would understand. That's why I love you!" You blurt out and you freeze. The word love had become a bit confusing lately. In the past telling them you loved them was not a big deal. It was just that companionship you had. But now it felt strange leaving your lips.

Suguru was also very still. He looked out the windshield, you could tell he was lost in his thoughts. But within minutes he relaxes and turns to you. He reaches out and bops your nose. "This was cool. Thanks!"

"Don't bop my nose. Weirdo! But your welcome." You say happily and he laughs at you.

"Let's go check on the rich guys." Suguru mutters and you agree. You go to reach for the handle and are yanked back. "Y/N... I don't want to lose you." He mutters and you could hear fear in his tone. He holds your hand tightly as if you would disappear.

"Suga... I am right here." You say but his expression did not change. You turn and embrace him, his arms wrap around you. "I just don't know how to be around you anymore."

You feel him shudder, his head tucked on your shoulder. "Don't give up on me. I just have to sort this out. I'm trying to fight my own instincts. I fucked up so bad..." You rub his back gently. You are trying your best not to break down in tears. "Please..." he begs his voice cracking.

"I'll never give up on you Suga." You whisper causing him to pull you even closer. "I need to sort out my feelings to. It's not easy for me to deny you. You know that right?"

"I didn't but thank you for letting me know. I'll try not to tempt you." You feel him smirk against your skin but that slight shakiness gave away his true emotions at the moment. He was truly scared that you would abandon him. You could never imagine something so depressing.

"Let's make sure those two are still getting along." You say and he pulls away. He stares at you deeply, as if to memorize this moment. You try your best to smile at him and he pats your head, and then exits the car. You feel the tears you were holding in fall down your cheek. Imagining your life without him was painful. You quickly wipe your face, shake your head and follow behind him. This day off was emotionally draining. But at least you got to drive a badass car.

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