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You open your door and double over in laughter. Kento stood before you in designer sweatpants and a t shirt. The fact he wasn't wearing his usual suit was amusing in itself. But the funniest part was you felt bad for last time so you actually wore a long skirt and a dress top.

"I mean come on!" Kento says unable to keep from chuckling himself as he looks over your outfit.

"Amazing!! I can't..." you struggle to catch your breath as you let him in. "I will change this time! Be right back!" You run off to your room in a much brighter mood. Especially now that you get to wear comfortable clothes. You still had a smile on your face as you emerged from your room in yoga pants and a long Cowboy Bebop t shirt.

"You looked wonderful before and I appreciate your thoughtfulness." Kento says as he looks around. "How are you liking the new place?"

"It's a bit lonely since I'm not used to living on my own but I can't complain." You shrug, "so do you have any plans in mind?"

"I don't really have anything planned. Trying to show you I can be spontaneous." He grins at you and you find yourself laughing yet again.

"Your cute. Well then if you want to get a bit crazy sir I have an idea!" You say teasingly and he raises an eyebrow at you. "Away to my work!" You shout as you open your front door. He gives you a skeptical look as he exits.

You both walk into the large garage and you wave at Sukuna. He runs up and hugs you tightly. "I feel like I never get to see you anymore!" He pouts and you pat his head.
Kento awkwardly stands to the side unsure of how to act.

"I know!! I miss working on cars with you!" You frown and he sighs. "Next time I work just say you need my help! I miss getting my hands dirty!" You whine and Sukuna gives you a thumbs up.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" A deep voice interrupts your conversation. You turn to be greeted by the God that was your boss.

"Toji! I'm hanging with a friend and I wanted to borrow a car!" You say tilting your chin down and looking up at him. His green eyes stare down at you, the look causes goosebumps to form on your arms.

"Of course. Perks of being in charge." He says nonchalantly as he looks over to Kento. "Toji. Nice to meet you. Take care of my girl. She is important to me."

You watch as the two men study each other. "Kento. Don't worry she is in good hands." His voice did not waver. You roll your eyes and look over your shoulder where Sukuna is losing his shit, cackling like a hyena. You shake your head as you wedge your way between them.

"I can take care of myself gentlemen. Now give me keys!!" You say annoyed and Toji gives you an amused grin. He leans down by your ear, causing you to hold your breath.

"Your outfit is really cute." He whispers and you bite the inside of your cheek to maintain control of your thoughts. A slight heat rises on your face as you remember what he heard you ask last night. You avoid eye contact as he walks away and leads you to his office.

"Brb Kento!!" You shout and he nods, you notice that his demeanor had changed a bit. His usual calm collected persona cracking, as he stares at Toji.

"What kind of vehicle are you wanting?" Toji asked as he opens a safe. You weren't really a huge luxury car fan, you favored tuners and muscle.

"Any classics that are fast?" You ask hopeful. Your response causes his cocky smirk to falter.

"Bourbon and classics..." he mutters to himself, the way he said it caused you to dig your nails into your palm. "Your making me jealous."

"Toji... do I need to call HR?" You say teasingly and he grins.

"No need." He says as he pulls out a set of keys. "70 charger. I would say be careful but I know you can handle her." You grab the keys in disbelief. Trying your best not to jump up and down in excitement.

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