Punish Me

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You sip your overpriced coffee lounging in a chair at a local bookstore. You were absorbed in a autobiography, attempting to distract yourself from the feelings that have been haunting you. Deciding that treating yourself was a great idea.

You had made plans to play some old school games with Choso later at his apartment. You told yourself you weren't going to vent to him. Though you admired his ability to listen without bias and give you solid advice. But his words were harder to follow when your heart was over thinking your brain.

You set down the book and groaned. You look around the store and spot groups of friends discussing their favorite novels. Suguru loved going to the bookstore with you. Satoru would tag along annoying you both as you try to choose something. It made you crave the old days when adulthood seemed so far away. Bills and responsibilities were a foreign concept. The only worries we're the papers that were due and test you had to take.

You glance at the time and realize it was getting late. You decide on a book and check out. Picking up take out and some liquor you make your way to Choso's apartment.

He greets you with a low hey and you hold up the food for him to take. As you make a plate you notice he is being more stand offish than usual. "You okay?" You ask as you reach over for some soy sauce. He seemed startled by your voice, as if he was deep in thought before you interrupted.

"Yeah." He shrugs but you frown. Something was bothering him but you didn't want to pry. You were also a bit tired of dealing with everyone else's drama.

"You always listen to me so if you need to vent I am all ears." You curse your need to help everyone. No matter how exhausted you were by others emotions you always offered to bare their burdens. Though out of all of your friends Choso did deserve it. Since he was always willing to hear you out.

He nods but doesn't answer. You both carry your plates and glasses into his room. The smell of incense had such a calming effect; As you both set down on his bed. "This sushi is so good! Small local shop. I hope you like it." You say smiling over at him and he nods as he turns on the tv, choosing a comedy.

You both eat in silence. Usually quiet does not bother you but it felt like you had taken a step back in the bond you had created with him. He was being very cold. Your brows crease in frustration as you study him. He was staring blankly at the screen as he ate.

"Choso! What the fuck is going on with you?!" You shout and he lazily looks over.

"Your so fucking loud. Chill out." He grumbles and you scoff. You did not come over here to be scolded. It hurt that he was treating you like a stranger. He glances over at you and frowns. "Do you really like me?"

You were taken back by his question. "Well yeah. I mean we like a lot of the same things. And your fun to hang out with." You say looking at him confused. He shakes his head and moves the food off the bed. He hands you a controller and preps the system.

"Are you cool with Mario cart?" He asks and you nod. Two can play this game, if he was going to give you this treatment you will return it.

After a while you all were focused on game. You were both super competitive so you began trash talking each other. Thanks to an old game it seemed whatever was originally bothering him had been forgotten.

It was the deciding round and you grin as you release a turtle shell, knocking him out of the lead just as you were reaching the finish line. You stand up on the bed and shout in victory.

"Damn you..." you see Choso smirking as he grabs for a pillow and smacks you with it. "So close!!"

"But not close enough!!" You laugh grabbing another pillow and smacking him back. He gets a mischievous glint in his eyes as he drops the pillow, rips the pillow you were holding from your hands, pulls you by your legs and pins you down. You gasp in surprise as he grabs your wrist and puts them above your head. He was a lot stronger than he looked.

"No fair..." you mutter as he stares down at you. You wiggle underneath him in an attempt to escape but he overpowered you. "Choso!" You struggle.

"Tsk tsk... no point in struggling. I am a sore loser when it comes to video games." He mocks you as you give up.

"Well now what?" You sigh realizing you were under his control at that moment. You watch as the playful look turns serious. Causing your stomach to flutter. Admiring his features, that thoughtful glance was hard to ignore.

"Your interesting." He says softly. The way he said it made you suddenly unable to make eye contact.

"I mean not really. I am actually pretty boring." You say trying to alter the mood in the atmosphere.

"Look at me." He says deeply and you automatically follow his command. "I dislike a lot of things and people. So when I say I like you it is important. I don't want a half assed answer like the one you gave me earlier."

"You have become important to me Choso." You say with conviction. Your now aware of how close his face was to your own. The feel of his body against yours. "I do like you."

He lowers his face closer, your lips inches a part. "Show me." His breath mingled with yours. He waited for you to close the gap. All of your built up frustration came crashing down on you. Denying yourself over and over at the advances that were being made.

"Shit..." you wanted to maintain composure. Not for your sake but for his. With your heart being ripped in so many directions, you could not give it solely to the man staring down at you. But those eyes were entrapping you, you could tell he did not share himself with another person often. So the way he looked at you as if he wanted to devour everything was a drug you wanted to inhale.

"Do you want me Y/N?" His soft voice reaches your ears like a sultry lullaby. "Because I want you so fucking bad kitten..." his low groan made your body flush. In that exact moment you decided you were going to be selfish.

You lift up your head to kiss him roughly. He moans softly as your tongue pries open his mouth. He gives you full control of the kiss, letting your tongue greedily explore. His hold on your wrist loosens, you escape, your hands reaching around his neck to push him closer. You arch up against him causing you both to cry out and catch your breath.

You get lost in him as you dominated his mouth. You take the hem of his t shirt and desperately lift it up, only breaking the kiss to tug his shirt above his head. Your finger explore his defined lower stomach, he whimpers at the sensation. Ooo god... I knew he would be submissive... fuck... the whimper causing your wetness to pool to your thighs.

Just as you began to imagine the things you wanted to do to this man, the need to hear him beg for you, he pulls away and his hand tightly pulls your hair back. Wait... what?! "I am not a substitute for Suguru. You understand that right?" The soft tone had faded it had morphed into something much more sinister.

"Your not the same. I know this." You gasp taken back by the sudden change. You expected him to release you but instead he yanks your head harshly to the side. His lips caress the soft skin of your neck below your ear. Your eyes roll back and a soft moan escapes.

"Y/N... I have to pay you back for all the teasing. You know that to don't you?" He whispered gently but behind it was a sadistic inflection. Your heart raced, a tinge of fear mixed in with a lot of anticipation.

"Punish me Choso..." you were not sure why that came out so easily. The guilt from all that has happened recently in your life. You subconsciously taking the blame for breaking up your friendship. But when he hears you cry out those words, any remaining softness in his eyes vanished. You were thankful you were a bit of a masochist. Because the eyes that were currently staring through to your soul were darkly twisted.

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