New Friend

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You knock on Kole's door on Sunday with excitement, your inner child was so pumped. It had been a while since you sat at an actual table, created a character sheet and rolled actual dice. He opens the door a bit slowly then sees your face and laughs. "Someone came ready to create a dope character." He says beaming from the joy that radiated off of you.

"Like Kole you have no idea! I am so stoked about this. I needed this!" You say as he lets you in. Today he decided to postpone the campaign game and make a mini stream of your character creation. You walk into the room designed specifically to play DND. Choso looks up at you lazily from a couch on the side of the room.

"What's her deal?" He asks feeling the over joyous energy you were currently producing.

"Choso... Choso... not even your lack of personality can sway my mood. No offense." You say waving and bouncing into a chair by the large wooden table, decked out in maps, mini figures and landscapes. Tall shelves set on the other end containing manuals and more figures. You stare at it all in awe.

You jump up when you feel someone lean close to your ear. "I don't know what it feels like to be offended. But even a robot like me can appreciate how cute you look right now" he whispers into your ear and you push him back hard, he stumbles onto the floor.

"Bad Choso! You can't flip your personas like that. Almost gave me a heart attack!" You shout pointing your finger at him and you swear you say him smirk.

"I brought snacks..." Kole walks in on a Choso laying awkwardly on the floor and a very flustered you. "Wait..... wait... wait a second...did you get Choso to show emotion?! Ooo man the fans are going to love this!!!" Kole says now infectiously as excited as you were. You giggle at his reaction and Choso just shakes his head.

You grin at the paper as you complete your character creation. "A sarcastic Tabaxi panther rogue named Jester. Umm yea please!" You shout showing the camera the sheet.

"The rest of the party minus Cho's character is going to love you." Kole laughs. "See chat agrees! And are super excited for the next episode." He says to you and your ecstatic.

"I'm legit honored to get to play again. As you can see I'm a bit rusty but the knowledge is there. I'll try my best to feel Relium's large Goliath shoes." You say laughing. Kole grins at you and chat was going crazy with encouragement for the most part, besides a few trolls. You were shocked to discover that his channel had over 500 views tonight alone. This wasn't even an actual game. You felt a small bit of pressure but overall you did not let it get you to stressed.

"Well freaks were going to sign off. Don't forget to check back in next Sunday for our first game with N/N." He waves and you join him. Choso just crosses his arms and you scoff at him. Once the stream ends Kole pumps his fist. "I knew they would love you!" He says as you smile.

"I didn't know you two were famous." You poke Choso in the arm and he rolls his eyes.

"The rest of the group is down at a gaming bar if you want to meet them." Kole says saving your information.

"Fuck yeah!" You shout standing up. "Your coming to aren't you?" You ask your grumpy coplayer.

"Yeah I'll go." He mutters putting his hoody back on. Kole literally freezes up and stops what he is doing mid movement.

"What the fuck?!" Kole yells pulling out his phone and typing away.

"Kole are you really texting the group? It's not that big of a deal?" Choso shouts and sighs. You look at both of them utterly confused.

"You never go anywhere after a session!" Kole laughs and you put it all together.

"Haha! I broke through your shell! You like me. I knew I could do it!" You laugh patting yourself on the back. Choso glares at you and huffs.

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