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You glance at your phone for the hundredth time, you were not sure what you were waiting for. You still felt angry and upset for some reason. You glance at the clock and realize it was closing time but you did not want to go home.

"Y/n! I'm out of here see you tomorrow!" Sukuna shouts as he begins to walk away. You nod and wave back. He gives you a look but doesn't question you, you were thankful.

You gather your things and head out, deciding to take the bus. When you walk outside you are grabbed harshly by the arm. You try to pull away when you see the face of your boss, he looked enraged. "I know you fucking told him you dumb bitch!" He shouts spit flying out of his mouth a crazed look on his face. "They are letting me go and it's all your fault you stupid whore! I saw you get in the car with that man, I bet he paid you good money! Did you suck him off to show your appreciation?"

This man had picked the wrong time to confront you. You were an emotional wreck and not knowing why equated to anger. Your body was still in a lot of pain but the rage numbed it. "Your nothing but a lowly filthy swine! If you do not let me go you will regret it." You yell your hand forming a fist.

His grip on your wrist tightened and you sucked in a breath. "Please your pathetic. Fucking the owners son to get hired here. Your worthless!" You felt the last straw snap into multiple pieces. You worked hard to be the best and knew that you would get hired at a place similar to this eventually. You wouldn't let some low life take away your self worth.

You begin laughing, you smirk when the reaction causes his hold on you to slip just a bit. You pull out of his grasp and get into a defensive stance. "Hit me." You scream and he stares at you in disbelief.

"What?!" He shouts back but he cocks his arm back. You smirk to antagonize him.

"What are you a pussy?" You spit at him and you wait for him to make contact first. You let him get a hit on your chin, your face falls and you spit out a small amount of blood.

"Thank you! Now I don't have to hold back." You say and before he could respond you easily dodge him. Suguru enjoyed boxing as a form of exercise and after a while you found it enjoyable as well.

You get two good hits on his jaw and he falls back begging you to stop. "Your no pussy. Your a weak ass dick. A couple hits and your on the ground cowering. I will be getting the security footage and if I see your face around here again I will make sure you get put behind bars. Nod if you understand." You order standing over him and he shakes his head in fear. You turn away and notice a familiar figure waiting for you.

"Suga..." you mumble and he is smiling with pride. He walks over and grabs you by the shoulder, hugging you tightly. He lifts your chin checking out your split lip.

"You good?" He ask wiping the blood from your lip and you nod staring up into his dark eyes as he studies your face. You pull your head away when your heart races.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, remembering the scene you walked in on earlier, your adrenaline quickly fades and you frown.

"Satoru told me he took you to work earlier and I didn't want you taking the bus home at night." He says as he lets you go, that weird aura from this morning seeps back into the environment and you both walk over to his car. You both fall into an awkward silence as you open the door and get in.

You pull down the mirror and study your lip, licking it to clear the wound. "Stop doing that. It's going to get infected." He says gruffly and you shut the mirror and lean back. You pull your phone out and text Satoru.

Incident at work. Need security footage from when I walked out the building around 10:30.

Satoru responded instantly: Are you ok? Is Suga with you? I will get them right now!

I am fine. I am in Suga's car. Thanks! Be home soon!

He likes your message and you notice a missed text from Kento.

It was nice meeting you. I hope to be graced with your presence again soon. Take care.

You smirk and shake your head at the sweet text. You have never met someone quite as nice as him. You would ruin that poor man's life. Maybe it would be best that you delete his contact. Your finger hovered over the delete key for a while. "Who has you smirking like that?" Suguru interrupted your thoughts with his deep voice and you jump. Closing out of your phone you put it away.

"None of your business grumpy." You say sticking your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes at you. "Unless you want to discuss the woman you were fucking earlier?" You say, you cringe at the slightly upset tone and his eyes widen.

"She was not important. I told her to leave once you barged in. Kind of ruined the mood." He says the grip on the steering wheel tightening.

You hold up your arms, "My bad. Geez Suga your insatiable." You could not imagine having sex first thing the next day after what happened last night. His stamina was ridiculous. Almost a bit frightening.

The car pulls into your all's driveway as he turns to you, "what do you mean? Did something happen yesterday? I came home and we fell right to sleep." You glare at him knowing that your the one who keeps bringing up the incident without meaning to.

"Yeah yeah... wait..." you hold up your hand as you hear loud music playing from the house. "Fucking Satoru Gojo!!! He is throwing a party. Did you know about this?" You point your finger at him and he shrugs just as confused as you were. You both sigh in annoyance. "I'm going to murder him... he makes me want to commit murder..."

"I will help you. I honestly just wanted to smoke and go to sleep." Suguru growls as he parks amongst the vehicles pulled up front. "Something must have happened to him today. You know this type of thing is what he does when he is upset." You nod remembering how he was acting on your ride to work. You knew there would be no talking to him at this point, he was going to be high out of his fucking mind. But you made a note to check on him in the morning.

"Your right. He is such a child sometimes." You complain.

"I agree." Suguru mutters as you both walk to the front. You open the door and are greeted by low lighting, loud music, people dressed in designer and lots of alcohol and drugs. Suguru grabs your waist and you both try your best to push through the crowd. You both make it to the hallway where couples were essentially groping each other.

"Friends!!!! Ooo y/n!!! I'm so glad your safe!" Your pulled away from Suguru by Satoru as he catches up to you. "But god damn do you have a good right hook. There is a boxing coach here who is very impressed." He hugs you tightly and you notice his blue eyes have a glass like quality to them, he was in another world right now. You look over to Suguru and communicate with your expression that you were ok. He gives you a strange expression, nods and heads to his room.

Satoru leads you back to the living room where on the large flat screen tv he is playing the security tape from your work. You watch as you knock your boss to the ground and the people cheer. "Your a fucking star right now!" Satoru giggles shaking your shoulders. You give him your best smile but you were exhausted. "Here she is the fighting champ! My girl! Y/n!" He shouts to the crowd and they clap for you, you do a unenthusiastic bow. You spot a blunt on the table and quickly snatch it up. If your were dealing with a really high Satoru you were going to need a bit of assistance.

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