Best Buddies Once Again?

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You ravish a basket of wings. In between bites you chug down a mug of beer. The sports bar was loud and you were honestly to tired to try and keep up with your friends current conversation. You felt a bit of anger and sadness settle in your heart. Suguru was still being a bit cold to you. Satoru still a bit clingy. Your previous relationship still felt tainted. You felt two sets of eyes on you when you grabbed a fistful of fries and shove them in your mouth. You look up and they are gawking at your behavior. "What?!" You say more aggressive than you meant to sound.

Suguru shakes his head at you condescendingly and your blood boiled. Satoru smiles at you and leans over the table. His thumb running across the left side of your mouth to clean some of the wing sauce from your face. He laughs and then licks the sauce from his fingers. Suguru watches him and you watch his hand curl up into a fist. "To think I could be getting broken in half right now..." you mutter dramatically, your thoughts traveling to your giant new boss.

"What the fuck?" Suguru laughs at you not sure what you were talking about. You enjoy the sound.

Satoru crosses his arms and grumbles. "Y/N! You don't mean that?! You love hanging out with us!" You roll your eyes as the waitress eagerly returns to the table. Leaning over as she sets out more beers, displaying her chest, her top cut as low as possible. She gives you a bit of a glare as she hands you yours. Both mens eyes shamelessly check her out. You laugh and they both look over at you. Now that felt like a usual hang out with your friends.

"Such whores." You say taking a drink smiling. The two men grin at your statement but the woman looks offended.

"Ooo no sweetheart. She was calling us whores. Not you! I am sure your innocent." Satoru says softly his hand caressing her arm. And you nod as she calms down distracted by the attractive man showing her attention.

"Ooo well.... I mean. Maybe not innocent." She says low and you try to contain another giggle.

"Get it then." You say smiling up at her and she grins at you. "He is a handful though I should at least warn you. Walking red flag."

Suguru leans close to her ear as his hand rested on her hip. Her eyes widen at whatever line his was spitting. She bites her lip and Satoru scoffs. "Ooo shit Suga stepping up his game. Aww poor Satoru." You smirk enjoying the joking atmosphere as Satoru grins. "But only a woman knows how to truly please another..." you say low leaning a over a bit. You look at her low and you see a blush form on her face.

"Well... Umm... I will be around if you need anything." She stammers as she walks away she gives you one last glance.

"Fucking Y/N! Always awkward until bam seduction is activated out of nowhere!" Satoru laughs loudly and Suguru joins him.

"Where could I have possible picked that up from?! So weird..." you say sarcastically.

"Surely whoever they were they are professionals." Suguru smirks.

"They were good. But I have become the master. Obviously!" You boast and they both chuckle.

The rest of the night felt like old times. You all joked around and informed each other of what was going on. Satoru even helped you find Toji's social media accounts. You were a drooling mess. "Godlike..." you muttered and Suguru rolled his eyes but smiled.

At the end of the night all the odd emotions had seemed to disappear. The energy was balanced once again. "You guys! I miss you! When can we live together again?" Satoru pouted a bit tipsy.

"It's only been a little over a week. Give it a bit more time." You say gently patting his back. He sighs and agrees leaning into you. The waitress saunters back over and leans close to Suguru, whispering something in his ear. He responds and slightly embraces her. Satoru and yourself look at each other in curiosity. They waitress smiles, walks away and Suguru stretches.

"We'll friends! I will take advantage of having the penthouse to myself tonight. Y/N she invited you to join! I shall bow to your seduction techniques for now." He says grinning and you laugh. Though Suguru was teasing you there was something deeper in his stare. You decided best to ignore it. You glance at Satoru already texting someone to meet up.

"So you cockblock me but decide to ditch me to fuck? Ugh fine! Enjoy your night. Assholes!" You laugh and Satoru hugs you tightly.

You all exit the building. You wave to the waitress standing by Suguru's car and she waves back shyly. "So cute!" You say and Satoru agrees. He wraps you into a tight hug and you return it. "Night boys." You say as you make your way to hug Suguru. The closer you get the more rigid he becomes. You go to hug him and he steps back. Your heart broke a bit. "Suga..." you whisper looking up at him.

"I... give me a little more time Y/N..." he says back and you felt like he gut punched you. All you could do was nod and hold in your hurt. He cautiously grabs your hand and squeezes it but you don't reciprocate. You hear him take in a breath and he walks away. You turned but Satoru had already left.

You stood by yourself in front of the restaurant for a bit trying to pull together your thoughts. Why did that hurt so much? You pull out your phone and realize how late it is. You decide to reach out to someone who may still be up due to his hobby.

U up?

Yeah just playing a game. What's up?

Can I come over?

I mean when I'm focused I doubt I will be any fun. But sure.

Thanks Choso! Be there soon!

Suguru's POV
He silently grips the steering wheel trying his best to focus on the road. The waitress was pawing at his lap. But that was not what was distracting him. It was the hurt in Y/N's eyes when he refused to touch her. He knew it was for the best. She was still so tempting. All night when she would burst out laughing his body had a reaction. He did not understand what was wrong with him. He felt sick but he had no physical ailments. Maybe he was going crazy.

He was so lost in thought that he did not realize the women beside him had crawled across the center console slowly unzipping his pants, lustful eyes stared back at him. But they weren't hers. In a fit of anger at his confusion he aggressively pushes her back. She lets out a startled cry, he hits the steering wheel in frustration, and pulls the car to the side of the road. "I apologize. I just can't. Let me take you home." He says low shocked at his own words. She doesn't say anything, she just nods a bit of fear in her eyes. He apologizes again until she settles down and she informs him where to take her. What the hell is wrong with me?!

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