Sun and Moon

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"You ok? I feel like I walked into a freezer when I got here?" Satoru asked his eyes studying yours. Suguru had left a few minutes ago to head back to the penthouse.

Your mind wondered back to him against you on the kitchen counter and you shuddered. Satoru hugged you against his chest, his hands rubbing along your back. You let him comfort you. It had been a while since you were the one in his arms and not the other way around. "Yeah I figured. What a hypocrite!" Satoru muttered under his breath. "I mean at least when I kissed you I was high out of my mind and going through some shit."

"You were a fucking mess bro." You laughed remembering back to how he paraded you around like a circus side show. "I was so close to kicking your ass."

"Hmm... yeah sorry about that. It's just if I don't let myself go from time to time I would be as grumpy as Suguru. And no one wants that! Trust me!" He smiles down at you and you return it. He holds your gaze for a few minutes to long, you wondered what he was thinking.

"But Satoru sometimes it's good to feel those emotions. You can't try and be happy all the time. You can't always snort a line when your feeling down. I worry about you two so much sometimes." You begin muttering to him and feel him take in a sharp breath. His hand travels to your hair running his fingers through it. "You always talked to me before but even before "that night" you were beginning to distance yourself. What is really going on?"

His fingers stop for a brief second after hearing your words. You wait patiently, Satoru was a talker. But when it came to deep conversation you had to wait for him to gather his thoughts. He hid his pain and trauma very well but you knew him longer than most. You were able to decipher his actions and recognized the patterns of his behavior. "I hate that I let you get so close to me y/n." He said in a low voice.

You knew he did not mean his harsh statement, it was just a mechanism he used to keep people away. You lift up your head and look up at him sticking your tongue out. "To bad Sato! It is to late now! Muahaha!" You say with your best villainous laughter. He flicks your forehead smiling down at your silly behavior. You gasp in pretend shock causing him to laugh softly. "You can hurt me all you want! But eventually you will tell me what's really going on..." you say shrugging your shoulders.

"Y/N your going through shit to." He says eyeing you. You frown and glare at him. "Oooo I know let's go shopping! That will make us both feel better!!" His tone shifting to a light airy one.

"Satoru Gojo.... It is the middle of the night. All the fancy stores you go to are closed. I doubt you want to slum it at a 24 hour superstore with normal people like me." You say trying to get him to stop thinking of distractions.

"Ooo Y/N I love slumming it with you. Ill slum with you so hard." He says teasingly and you huff. "That sounds like an adventure! Away!!" He shouts and pushes you to the ground standing up.

He realizes his mistake to late as his terrified eyes look down out you now wide. "Now my sweet nerd... let's think about what you are going to do... I didn't mean to toss you to the ground... I got a bit excited..." he stutters as you look at him with pure rage. He begins to back away as you slowly get off the floor. You brush yourself off and look back up at him with a sickly sweet smile.

"One minute..." you say sinisterly.

"What one minute?" He asks in both fear and confusion.

"One minute to run and hide. Then I'm going after you. And when I find you I'm giving you the ass kicking you so desperately deserve." Your voice now calm which you could tell made him even more nervous.

"Me?! I'm a sweetheart?! I don't deserve any ass kickings?!" He shouts in panic his eyes wildly searching for a place to run to.

"You won't confide in me because your a stubborn jackass. And you have an ego the size of the sun. All very good enough reasons." You say and he starts to argue but you hold up your hand. "Now it's 30 seconds...."

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