Come Home with Me

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The rest of the night did actually turn around. You had stopped drinking and stuck with water for the rest of the night, excited to drive again. You watched amused at your group of friends who were hammered out of their mind.

"Y/N!!! Dance with us!" Satoru pouted as you sat at the bar beside Suguru who was in a conversation with one of their new followers.

"I'm sober! So that's a no!" You shout laughing as he rolls his eyes at you.

"Kento! This one is difficult! But once you get her vulnerable...." He raises his eyebrows suggestively and you scoff.

"I can only imagine." Kento adds to the banter.

"Kento!" You gasp and glare but a slight smirk was giving away that you weren't truly offended.

The two men excuse themselves from the group of women on the dance floor and make their way towards you. They take vacant seats and Kento slaps Satoru on the back.

"Your ok I guess." He mutters and Satoru chuckles.

"And your not a complete prude." Satoru responds and you feel like fist pumping the air in victory. Just as you began talking to them your phone goes off. You pull it out of your pocket to see that Choso was face timing you.

You were about to ignore it when Satoru grabs it out of your hand. "Sato!!!" You yell causing Suguru to turn towards the group.

"Hello!!!!" Satoru answers as you see a bored Choso displayed on the screen.

"Hey... I see she has company so I'll just call her later." His monotone voice was a bit hard to hear over the pulsing music.

"What?! No!! Our nerd friend here likes you. And I'm her protector. Sooo... what are your intentions?" Satoru frowns pointing his finger in the direction of the phone. Your blood runs cold from embarrassment. You look over at Kento with desperation, you knew you weren't tall enough to take your phone back. You were greeted with a painful expression.

"Are you her dad or something?" Choso asks his tone never showing a hint of inflection.

Suguru stands up and walks over sticking his face in the screen. "Look here knock off version of me. We care about her a lot. So cut the attitude." You watch a bit of anger cross his features but then a deviLish smirk replaces it as he looks towards you, "y/n call me daddy! Do it! Right now!"

You want to disappear at that very moment. Your cringing and uncomfortable at the introduction of your old friends and new friends. "Fuck off Suga..." you mutter irritated.

"Look y/n is just really cool. One person I can actually tolerate. That is all I am saying since I can tell from her voice she is clearly uncomfortable." Choso's voice raises and your two best friend nod at each other.

"Alright! Relax. Have a goodnight." Satoru laughs handing the phone back over to you.

"I want to hang before our game on Sunday. You free tomorrow?" Choso asks and you nod. He gives you a small smile and you both say goodbye.

"I should head out myself. I am not getting back in that death machine. So my driver is outside." Kento says suddenly. He looked a bit upset again.

"Awww! It's so early!" Satoru whines as he chugs the last of his drink. You look around wanting to send a lovely lady with him to help with the stress. When you looked at Kento's face again, catching his stare you thought against it.

"Kento is a responsible adult. You should follow his lead Sato!" You say laughing and the white haired man clicks his teeth in defiance. You hold out your arm and Kento smiles taking it.

You both head towards the exit. Once outside you turn to him, "I hope you got to enjoy yourself a bit."

"I really did. This was a very memorable night. So thank you." You can tell he wanted to say more but you weren't sure if you were ready to hear it.

"And?  Come on speak your mind. Your not in a board meeting." You elbow him teasingly. He looks at you enduringly.

"You are very frustrating. You aren't scared to speak your mind. You put yourself in horrible situations. And your mouth is atrocious." He begins and your mouth opens in shock.

"Geez Kento..." you laugh but he ignores your sarcastic rebuttal and suddenly stands up straighter.

"But that's what draws me to you. Your amazing! Your powerful but also so very thoughtful. When you care about someone you do so deeply. That passion in your eyes when you were driving that monster over there was addictive. I just..." he pauses and you not dare speak.

"I want you to myself. I want you to look at me the way you do that car and your best friends. I know I am being unfair and we hardly know each other. But you make me forget myself. I fucking need to get out of my own mind for a bit." He looks down at you spilling his heart out and you feel awful. You didn't mean for him to get so attached to you. You enjoyed yourself when you were around him but your feelings were not the same. Could you eventually feel that way? Maybe? He was probably the person you should be wanting. But currently your mind was elsewhere.

"Y/N..." he reaches for your jaw lightly pulling your face up. "Come home with me?" He asks and your heart races. You know you were not going to do it. But imagining all that pint up stress he held being released on you, it sounded like an experience. His muscular build going feral for you. Your dark side was like... do it.... You know it would feel so good... You were very thankful you had sobered up.

"Kento your drunk. And you had a bit of an emotional breakdown earlier. I appreciate the offer but I just can't." You say taking hold of his wrist and pulling his hand away from your face.

"Yeah your probably right. Well don't feel bad. I thought I would give it a shot. Just don't forget about me." He says and you smile. You give him a hug and wave goodbye as he walks toward a large SUV.

You go to walk back in and are startled to see your two friends leaning against the wall. "Our little nerd is a heartbreaker. We trained her to well Suga." Satoru gives you a sad smile and you flick him off.

"I'm going to head out to. You all staying?" You ask and they studied you.

"I want to ride in that!" Suguru said with excitement and you laughed. Both men ran to the vehicle, stumbling a bit drunkenly. You make sure they were buckled in before tearing off into the night.

You drop them both off and help them get inside. Giving each one of them a strong hug as you left. You needed to get yourself together. You needed to sort through all of your emotions. But in your nature you get home and decide to sleep on it. I'm a fucking hypocrite... you think back to the conversation you had with Kento about speaking his mind and sigh heavily.

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