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You knock on choso's door but there was no answer.

Choso!!! I'm here!!

A few minutes pass before he texts back.

Give me 5 mins!!

I hate you!!

No you don't.... So dramatic!

Fuck you!

So vulgar! Almost done!!

Suddenly his door is thrown open and you watch as he makes a mad dash back into his room. You stare into the open space a bit taken back but make your way inside. Amused you saunter in his room as he clicked on the mouse and keyboard in an almost hypnotic way. His voice was direct but lacked emotions per usual. The amount of effort he was putting in a contrast to his facial expression. It was an interesting sight.

You sit on his bed and see him quickly glance back at you. You go to say hi but he tosses a blunt in your direction instead. You laugh softly and grab the lighter off his nightstand. You lean against the wall, light up the joint and watch as he continues to play.

"Choso..." you whine after an hour. He turns around and shushes you. You scoff.

"Sorry I have a friend over." He says to whoever was talking with on his headset. "No it's not a girlfriend." He says with no emotion and you grumble. Your patients was beginning to fade.

"Choso! But I left my husband for you! How could you say that?!" You shout as loud as you could and he freezes.

"No she is a fucking lunatic! You know me." He says as desperately as he could, trying to cover up your outlandish statement.

"What about our child!!!!" You shout again and watch as his hands leave the keyboard.

"Give me a second." He says darkly. A shiver traveled down your spine at the deep tone. Before you could blink he drags you to the edge of his bed by your ankles and hovers above you both hands by the side of your head.

"Y/N... I find you amusing but right now I am helping my friends channel. So please shut the fuck up." He says aggressively and you smirked. He looks at you flabbergasted. "Please?" He adds a little nicer. You look up pouting, in-bodying your best Satoru impression as your hands go to his shoulders.

"Choso..." you say seductively and watched as his eyes darkened a bit and his body tenses. Hehe good... very good... You feel your pout turn to a sinister grin. You flip onto your stomach under him.

"What are you..." he begins to say and you arch up against him. "Fuck..." he groans and it was a pleasant sound. You look back and bite your lip.

"I need advice you asshole!!" You say irritated and his lustful gaze turns to confusion.

"You are something else..." he mutters pushing you away as you laugh. "Fine! Let me just tell them something came up you fucking tease."

"Hehe very good!" You say rubbing your hands together as your master plan comes together. He grumbles and begins apologizing to his friend.

After a few minutes he huffs and plops beside you. "What?!" He says you could tell he was trying to sound annoyed but he respected your tactics

"Ok!! So..." you begin to tell him about the dinner. How everything was perfectly fine. Until the very end of the night. The hesitation from Suguru. He sits quietly listening to everything not interrupting.

"You should not have fucked him. He sounds like a complicated asshole." He says low and you groan in complete frustration.

"I thought Satoru would be the one I would have to worry about! Not Suga! And he started it!!" You whine and he lets you.

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