Best Friends

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"Bitch!! Did you really smoke my last blunt with you're hook up last night?!" You screamed at the man hunched into the coach nursing a hang over, rubbing his temples.

"Y/n-Chan... please! I'll buy you more. Relax..." he mutters looking up at your irritated face and giving you his best puppy dog eyes.

"Saturo... those baby blues don't work on me. How am I supposed to relax without any weed?! Hmmm..." you glare your whole body tense.

Last night was not the best. You had an irate customer at the auto body shop and your boss made you stay super late to finish up the work. You had been exhausted and were looking forward to smoking and relaxing to some music. You had preordered your favorite sushi looking forward to the chill vibes. But when you got to the pent house both of your roommates were loudly entertaining lady guests and your blunt was no where to be found. To make matters worse the restaurant had mixed up your order.

This explains your current frustration with the lanky white haired asshole currently smirking at you. Without warning you lunged at his throat and he screams in horror.

"Please ignore them princess. Just my crazy ass roommates." You turn to glare at the deep voice emerging into the room. You see an embarrassed women standing there awkwardly holding her heels. You wave and smile at her then turn back to Sataro with murderous intent. He gulps and struggles to escape your grasp.

"Sorry you can't stay. I have a lot going on today but maybe I'll reach out soon." You hear your other best friend say to the woman as he guides her out, you roll your eyes. Yeah right... don't believe a word that sly fox of a man tells you. You think to yourself, giving up on your revenge, you give one last threatening glance at Satoru and make your way to the open kitchen.

"Wait dork let me at least make your coffee for you as a truce!!" Satoru shouts running past you and you sigh.

"Fine." You mumble hopping onto the counter top as he begins preparing the coffee maker.

"You look like shit." Suguru whispers to you as he walks past.

"Rough night at work. Wait... You know what fuck both of you honestly." You say, Suguru laughs and Satoru pouts.

"Speaking of fucking. I think our dork here just needs to get laid." Suguru teases you and you punch his arm hard.

"Oi! So rough!! No wonder no man wants your ass." He growls poking your side causing you to fold over.

You grab his wrist and twist it. He lifts his other arm in defeat. "I mean if they can't handle it not my problem." You defend yourself and he chuckles.

"Suga she has a point. Our dork is not a small shy creature. Takes a real special person to put up with all that." Satoru grabs your favorite mug and winks at you. You grumble as they continue to poke fun at your expense.

You stare down at your thighs frowning, suddenly self conscious, you have always been built a bit different. Your thick thighs a staple of your frame. You usually wore baggy sweats but last night you were so tired you had thrown on the one pair of shorts you owned.

"Don't frown like that. Your thighs are one of your few redeeming qualities." Suguru was in front of you now his hand squeezed your upper thigh. You jumped in shock and gasped. "Ooo you like that huh..." he whispers squeezing them again, your eyes wide you quickly come to your senses and swat at his arm.

"Such a creep!! Do you have no shame Suga!!" You shout and Satoru laughs. Suguru raises his eyebrows at you with that foxy grin as he steps back. You jump off the counter as Satoru hands you your coffee. You take a slow sip and make a satisfied sound as the sweet bitter taste hits your tongue. "I forgive you this time snowflake." You mumble making your way back to the living room.

You set your coffee on the table and pull out your phone. Just as you were getting comfortable Satoru tackles you. You shout in surprise. "Well I don't forgive you for strangling me so rub my head." He lays in your lap and you roll your eyes.

You lean over him taking a longer sip grumbling. "I swear your both more dog than human." But you give in, running your fingers through his hair as you go back to scrolling on your phone. He takes in a relaxing breath and you shake your head.

You feel like someone is staring at you so you look up to see a smirking Suguru. His dark gaze was always a bit unsettling, as if  he could read your mind. "Are you off today?" He asks studying you as your nails scratch into Satoru's scalp, a content sound escapes his lips.

"Yup! Thankfully!" You say taking in a deep breath. You were so tired.

"Come to the shop with me!! I only have a few clients today. I'll treat you to a tattoo. Plus Leo has been eyeing you every time you stop in." Suguru says, he is always trying to get you to open up more. He knew besides himself and Satoru you kept things surface level. Never letting anyone get to close.

"The tattoo is tempting... But Leo? That lanky piercer? I would destroy his ass." You say and Satoru clicks his tongue at you, sitting up.

"You say I'm lanky but look at this!!" He lifts his shirt up reveling a toned figure and you push him. "Stop being so pessimistic! Live a little!"

You just want to drink your coffee in peace. But staring up into your best friend's eyes as they silently begged you to hang out you felt yourself cave. "Fuck... fine!" And they high five at your response.

"Suga we can go out after you get off. Get our dork here all liquored up. She is a bit more relaxed after a few glasses of bourbon." Satoru says and Suguru instantly agrees. You scoff at them but you couldn't disagree. It was called liquid courage for a reason after all.

Satoru pulls out his phone and begins texting feverishly. "What are you doing over there?" You ask in curiosity.

"Texting Suki. We have a reputation to uphold y/n. So if your going out with us you have to look the part." He casually says and you groan. Suki was a well known stylist of the stars. As well as one of Satoru's regular sleep over buddies.

"Make sure she picks something to show off her thighs!" Suguru adds as he stands up and heads to his room.

"Yes! Good point Suga!" Satoru nods in agreement texting again.

You always feel like when you agree to something with them you have signed your soul away to the devil. Honestly though you couldn't imagine your life any other way. There was never a dull moment. They rescued you from a few sticky situations in your past. And would protect you with their lives. Their teasing was their way of showing how much they cared. They were your world. Nothing could separate or divide you.

You didn't realize one night out could possibly change this. A small crack making its way into the foundation of your friendship.

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